
Tweet of the Day: James Woods Says America Was ‘Two Inches Away’ From Civil War With Attempted Trump Assassination

As the world knows by now, former President Donald Trump was shot in the ear during an attempted assassination at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

Actor James Woods responded to the news with a tweet that accurately states what could very well have happened if the bullet had been just a couple of inches in the wrong direction.  He also warned what could happen if liberals continue their vile rhetoric.

“We were two inches away from a civil war today. It is not a prospect I relish, but one that is to be feared if Democrats don’t stop with their absurd vile Hitler analogies and their assassination glee,” Woods wrote on X.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?


Woods is right.  For eight years, America has been subjected to violent rhetoric and repeated calls for civil war, violence, and bloodshed, by leftists, including those holding elected office, and their willing propagandists in the liberal media.

Here’s just some of the incidents we’ve covered:

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  Liberals across the country have been pushing for Trump’s murder for years.

And let’s not forget that Biden told donors to put Trump in the “bullseye” just five days before the attempt on his life.

Leftists, including Biden, have repeatedly compared Trump to Hitler and have called him a dictator and an existential threat to “democracy.”  With that kind of rhetoric, it was only a matter of time before someone tried to murder the former president.

And if the shooter had succeeded, we would be having a whole different discussion right now.

Perhaps, but we can’t take anything for granted.  Leftists will try again, or they will will pull another rabbit out of their evil hat.  And there’s also the very real possibility they’ll try to steal the 2024 election.

Pray like you’ve never prayed before.  Then vote to get rid of every single liberal holding office.


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