
The Obama Caliphate Lies About Vetting Syrian ‘Refugees’


Ben Rhodes appeared on Fox News Sunday and made the claim that the Obama caliphate would not suspend the importation of radical Muslim extremists.  Rhodes made the claim that every refugee will be vetted to the nth degree.  That’s a lie.  Syria doesn’t keep any data bases for their citizens.  They have no way to vet a single “refugee” like the two who shot up Paris.  By the way, does anyone recognize the name Ben Rhodes?  I do.  He is a failed fiction writer who went to work for Obama.  It was Ben Rhodes who changed the CIA report from terrorism to an internet movie.

I’m not too worried myself.  I live in a state where carrying a gun for protection is not only legal, but is encouraged.  Terrorists will target a city like New York or Chicago, where guns are few and far between and the chances are those guns belong to criminals.  Paris was a perfect target for ISIS.  Only one of the attackers was shot, with the other seven setting off their suicide vests to maximize casualties.

Following Rhodes’ appearance was Rep. Peter King (RINO) NY.  He contested what Rhodes said about the vetting:

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“I was listening to Ben Rhodes, and what he just said about the robust vetting of refugees is untrue.” King, who’s chairman of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism, told host Chris Wallace, “There’s virtually no vetting. There are no databases in Syria. There are no government records, and when you meet with the people doing the vetting, they tell us that. They are rolling a dice here and we know that ISIS wants to bring in terrorists with these refugees.”

“He should absolutely suspend it unless they can show 100 percent that a person is not involved with ISIS, because right now there’s no responsible way to do the vetting.  And that’s the reality and why people like Ben Rhodes continue to say this is beyond me. To me it’s as misguided as the president saying that he’s contained ISIS.”

“This is a failure of leadership. And until we get leadership we’re not going to get Arab states standing behind us and we’re not going to have confidence from other allies around the world, and the president from the day he start his war against ISIS, 14, 15 months ago, it’s been apologetic. He keeps telling us what he’s not going to do. We should never tell ISIS what we are not going to do.”


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