
U.S. News Giant Admits To Serious Lie About Trump And Project 2025 (Video)

Legacy wire service the Associated Press has admitted it lied about Republican candidate President Donald Trump’s agenda for a second term, if he’s elected in November, issuing a massive correction to its own report.

The original was a statement that aligned with the Democrat talking points being used to try to promote Kamala Harris, the candidate the party’s elite picked to replace Joe Biden, whose public appearances of late have delivered to the American people evidence of his mental decline.

It was AP’s description to a second term agenda as “Republican” when, in fact, the agenda at issue, “Project 2025” was assembled and released by the Heritage Foundation.

Trump, in fact, has denied being affiliated with it, and has criticized some of its points.

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The AP got triggered by a Democrat National Convention stunt by Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, who appeared at the convention with a mockup of the Heritage Foundation’s plan and claimed that the “Republican” agenda would have a President Trump replacing the entire federal government with an army of “loyalists,” a claim that isn’t supported by the facts.

AP said, on social media,” Michigan Sen. Mallory McMorrow brought out a copy of Project 2025, a blueprint created by the Heritage Foundation for a second Trump term. She then slammed it on the podium. This corrects an earlier post that was deleted because it misidentified the blueprint as Republican.”

The earlier linking of the document to “Republican” Trump had aligned with false messaging repeatedly used by Democrats to try to attack Trump.

report at the Twitchy site explained, “The memo went out to Democrats the first week of July: mention the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 as much as possible while presenting as an expanded version of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’ President Joe Biden even put on his aviators and shot a five-second video with a link to look up Project 2025, which CBS News and others called a ‘blueprint’ for a second Trump term.”

The report continued, “You’ll note that the Biden campaign put up a website at the URL trumpsproject2025.com even though it had no basis in the Trump campaign and Trump disowned it, instead promoting his own Agenda 47. Project 2025 belongs solely to the Heritage Foundation. Clowns like Eric Swalwell and Ted Lieu urged their constituents to Google Project 25, which Swalwell said was ‘forced marriage,’”

Social media wasted no time in pointing out the false claims.

The report noted, with just a bit of sarcasm, that Trump actually has a website with policies that are published and available to the American people, “unlike Kamala Harris.”

It said, “The Republicans laid out their party platform at the Recent Republican National Convention – the AP might have reported on it.”

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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Bob Unruh, WND News Center

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles at https://www.wndnewscenter.org/author/bob-unruh/

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