
The REAL Reason Radical Democrats, Media Allies Compare Trump, Supporters To Hitler, Nazis: They Want Him And His Supporters MURDERED

For more than half a century, unhinged Democrats have compared Republicans to Nazis, Hitler, and fascists.  But the “Hitler” comparisons have gone completely off the charts with the 2024 election as desperate Democrats seek to seize power yet again.

This time, though, they’re not just comparing Trump to Hitler and the Nazis.  They’re also comparing his supporters to Nazis.

Are they really THAT bereft of policy ideas?  In a word, yes.  And the American people are not eagerly embracing even more crippling inflation, high prices, and suppression of their freedoms.  The radical lefts’ response?  Incite violence against Trump and his supporters with despicable lies and vile smears — the kind that in days gone by would’ve earned one a much-deserved knuckle sandwich.

And yes, that includes Comrade Kamala Harris and her sidekick, #TamponTim Walz, who took his cue from crooked Hillary Clinton and compared Trump supporters attending the former President’s Madison Square Garden rally to Nazis:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

And the DNC, which resorted to projecting a lie on MSG during Trump’s rally:

So they resort to their tired-old rhetoric, knowing full well it will only incite violence.  But perhaps, that’s their ultimate goal.

We have covered this many times over the years:

Others have danced around this, but I won’t.  They literally want Trump and the millions of Americans who support him MURDERED!

Yes, you read that right — MURDERED.

potentially radicalized
What liberals REALLY want — Trump and his supporters murdered.

There have already been two attempts on Trump’s life and he was shot in the ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.  Naturally, Democrats and their willing propagandists in the liberal media claimed Trump wasn’t shot, even though the country saw it happen on live television.

Sadly, a huge number of Democrats are okay with this, if polls are any indication:

Why would they want Trump and his supporters murdered?  The answer to that, too, is easy.  What the radical left and their media lapdogs REALLY want is Soviet-style tyranny where individual rights and freedoms are subjugated to the iron will of authoritarians in Washington, D.C.  And THAT can’t happen unless patriotic Constitution-supporting Americans of all stripes are eliminated.

Even though there have already been multiple attempts to kill the former president, Democrats and their willing propagandists continue to incite violence.

And liberal terrorists are doing their bit for the cause of liberal tyranny:

We can go on like this for hours, but there really is no need.  The left doesn’t just disagree with Trump.  They HATE him with a demonic passion.  And they hate his supporters just as much.  That is why they are inciting violence.  Their hope is to see the blood of millions of Americans run in the streets.

This is why the subversive Democrat Party must be completely obliterated at the ballot box on November 5.  America cannot survive four more years of… this…

At this point, the only REAL difference between the Trump-hating left and the tyrants who ran Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union is… native language.


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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