
Cartoon of the Day: Remembering the Fallen

Cartoon of the Day: Remembering the Fallen.

Cartoon of the Day: Remembering the Fallen.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Many forget what this 3-day weekend of BBQs, friends, and family cost. Veterans who laid down their lives so we could enjoy the freedom and prosperity this could have to offer. It’s not a day of celebration but a day of remembrance for our fallen vets.

Feds Ban Memorial Day Event to Honor Fallen Heroes From National Cemetery, Call it a ‘Demonstration’

By Margaret Flavin – May 22, 2024

Since the 1960s, the Knights of Columbus have held a Memorial Day event at the Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, VA.

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For the last two years, however, The National Park Service (NPS) has refused permission for the event due to a new policy prohibiting “religious services”  and calling the ceremony to honor this nation’s fallen heroes a “demonstration.”

The park service has instead said the event must take place in a nearby “free speech zone.”

The Knights and their attorneys say the decision by park officials violates the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. READ MORE…

(Update: The NPS has backtracked, and will now allow the mass.  More here.)

Cross-posted with Comically Incorrect.  Used with permission.


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