
FBI’S Deep State Traitor, Andrew McCabe (Et Al.), WETS His Pants;

Promises to FLEE U.S., if "45" Elected!

First off, those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear. Yes, they stand their ground and stay strong – most trenchantly, players in the highest echelons of power. For heaven’s sake, indeed, only the guilty “AF” would abscond like sissies….thieves in the night. Man-up….woman-up.

Now, the aforementioned would be much needed comic relief to envision/imagine the traitors/monsters fleeing to collaborative foreign capitals, that is, from the long-arm of Trump’s Justice Warriors; with the White Hats in the forefront.

While magically delicious to fantasize over, the fact remains that their crimes against the American people are so deeply entrenched and vast, incontestably, there is not enough punishment in this world that will be enough – but that doesn’t obviate, even for an iota, every ounce of retribution, yes, via the legal principle/concept of lex talionis a/ka/ Retributive Justice shouldn’t be pursued!

Retributive justice is a legal concept whereby the criminal offender receives punishment proportional or similar to the crime.

As opposed to revenge, retribution—and thus retributive justice—is not personal, is directed only at wrongdoing, has inherent limits, involves no pleasure at the suffering of others (i.e., schadenfreude, sadism), and employs procedural standards.[1][2] Retributive justice contrasts with other purposes of punishment such as deterrence (prevention of future crimes), exile (prevention of opportunity) and rehabilitation of the offender.

The concept is found in most world cultures and in many ancient texts. Classical texts advocating the retributive view include Cicero‘s De Legibus (1st century BC), Kant’s Science of Right (1790),[3] and Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (1821).[4] The presence of retributive justice in ancient Jewish culture is shown by its mention in the law of Moses,[5][6] which refers to the punishments of “life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” as also attested in the Code of Hammurabi. Documents assert similar values in other cultures, though the judgment of whether a particular punishment is appropriately severe can vary greatly across cultures and individuals in accord with circumstance.

(As an aside, this writer studied the above righteous principle, in pursuant of a degree in Criminal Justice/Forensic Science at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, NYC, and well beyond its confines).

In this regard, prior to delving into the absolute bull’s-eyes, the opening shots, ala the video placed atop the post, well, let’s just take a look-back – out of countless others too numerous to cite. Keep in mind: Within the video, pay particular heed to the “Rogues Gallery of Intel Traitors”; with special emphasis placed upon John Brennan, HUSSEIN’s hand-picked CIA Director and chief domestic henchman!


Patriots, if anything, pay the evidentiary proofs within forward!

(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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