
Two SCOTUS Gun Rulings Blow Media And Biden’s ‘Unbalanced’ Slanders Halfway To Hell

For decades, the left had a reliable friend in the activist courts of SCOTUS. What Dems couldn’t legislate, their friends in black could orchestrate. And then Trump got elected.

If you formed your opinion on the Supreme Court only based on what Democrats and their media surrogates told us about them, we might assume that SCOTUS had become an activist court that rubber-stamps every issue according to right-wing political assumptions.

A look at the actual decisions — and how many of them are decided with unanimous, 8-1, or 7-2 rulings — tells a very different story.

The rulings

The left tried to use the recent reversal of the bump stock ruling as proof positive that SCOTUS is somehow ‘in the tank’ for right-wing activists like the gun lobby.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Just a few days later, this morning, another ruling drops that throws a MASSIVE wrench in the left’s narrative.

UNITED STATES v. RAHIMI was decided 8-1. It upheld the right for someone who has not yet been found guilty of spousal abuse, but considered a threat to safety, to have his Second Amendment rights to own a gun suspended.

Only Justice Thomas — who objected on a basis of the citizen having the presumption of innocence applied to the preservation of his rights as well — dissented in this decision.

The moment the left became hostile to SCOTUS

With three appointees in one Republican Presidency, the high court’s power balance was tilted (slightly) in favor of originalist interpretations of the law. It could no longer be counted upon to force Democrat-driven cultural changes down the throats of the Rest of America by black-robed fiat.

In just a few short years, we went from a court that delivered the Obergefell ruling, to the one that, with Dobbs, put the abortion decision back in the hands of local legislators.

Aggressively pro-abortion states like Vermont and New York could have abortion-until-birth policies. Red states can pass laws recognizing in-utero life as worthy of the same protections as those who breathe the free air.

The narrative undermined by these decisions

From then, the left has marked SCOTUS as an enemy. Schumer called them out by name. The Dobbs decision was leaked. Ongoing felonious protests outside of justices’ homes are entirely ignored. Conservative judges have been marked for real-world assassination attempts.

Meanwhile, Biden, liberal senators, the activist media, and billionaire dark-money activist smear groups have all been engaged in an ongoing and coordinated campaign to discredit the more conservative judges especially the more consistently Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch.

They have openly spoken about their desires to pack the courts with liberal activists and routinely disparage the legitimacy of the current court with Joe Biden himself using words like ‘out of balance’. This is explicitly ideological, and was first proposed almost immediately upon entering office, pushed by Nadler and Markey.

Congressional Democrats will introduce legislation Thursday to expand the Supreme Court from nine to 13 justices, joining progressive activists pushing to transform the court. — NBC, April 2021

The left cares about one thing and one thing only.


Whenever they lose it, they squeal like a stuck pig.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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