
More Dem Skullduggery In Trump Classified-Documents Case

Lt. Col. James Zumwalt on how 2 federal agencies possibly entrapped ex-president

While America’s rise to glory in the world community was initiated by patriots risking their lives to seek freedom from England’s monarchical rule, our fall from grace – if this descent prompted by liberals continues unabated – will have been initiated by politicians who chose to give their party’s political power priority over the national security and common interests of the American people. Historians of the late 21st century will endeavor to write about how this descent occurred and why the American public ignored the signs of what was going on.

Donald Trump’s decision to run for president in 2016 triggered a string of political party power moves by Democrats. This was evidenced by the now discredited Hillary Clinton-inspired Steele Report accusing the Republican candidate of colluding with the Russians. When that attack failed, Democrats launched two impeachment efforts against the serving president. When those failed, they sought to file numerous criminal and civil claims against him. One of the criminal claims involves mishandling classified material. While the trial to hear those charges was postponed, evidence recently came to light in that case that appears to exonerate Trump, demonstrating the willingness of Trump haters to, once again, cast truth aside to initiate a purely political power play.

Despite all that Special Counsel Jack Smith did to prevent the unsealing of several documents the defense sought to have released, Judge Aileen Cannon decided otherwise. What these documents reveal is damning for Democrats. Not only do they show President Joe Biden’s White House had communications with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) prior to Trump’s indictment, but it was learned, in addition to NARA, the General Services Administration (GSA) had had possession of these documents before advising Trump to come pick them up.

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Thus, two federal agencies – NARA and GSA – were in the chain of custody and either did conduct or should have conducted an inventory of these documents prior to releasing them to Trump. This was warranted by the fact some boxes were clearly marked as classified. Unless NARA and GSA were keeping the documents in their own required secure area, Trump was not guilty of stealing them, as alleged, since he merely transported them, with U.S. government authorization, from one unsecured location to another.

These agencies arguably knew the documents had to be kept in a secure environment and that by accepting and transporting them to Mar-a-Lago, Trump would not be providing one. But the only way to look at this is that it was an act of entrapment by U.S. government agencies, again after colluding with the White House, in order to be able to prosecute the former president. This is pure and simple weaponization of government resources by Biden and his minions – most likely designed to keep Trump from a 2024 presidential run. Should Trump be kept off the ballot due to a conviction, the Democrats will have pulled off one of the greatest scams in presidential history.

The facts involved in Biden’s handling of classified materials case were really no different than those in Trump’s case. However, it was determined that Biden was too old and senile to be held accountable for his actions. Yet, we could well see a president seek re-election who, despite being too old and senile to be held accountable for mishandling classified documents, nonetheless is deemed capable of serving another term, while a former president, fully capable of serving another term, is prevented from doing so because he was not old and senile when the alleged mishandling of classified documents in his hands occurred!

As if the above is not damning enough, Smith also has admitted that not even after the Mar-a-Lago raid was the confiscated evidence properly maintained and that the court had been misled on this issue. It was as if the Department of Justice was so elated in successfully pulling off its scam it felt no need to follow even the basic procedures about maintaining evidence.

A late April poll indicates most voters (57%) believe Democrats are weaponizing U.S. government resources to tie Trump down with bogus accusations. Interestingly, this scam only seems to have triggered greater support for the former president. A second poll shows Trump now leading Biden in all the swing states.

These Trump-haters have committed a great sin with their dishonesty. Just like Democrats have adopted a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program that ignores merit in various job selections, they also ignore challenging Trump either on his merits or lack thereof. In so doing, they commit a grave injustice for voters distracted from the real issues by such false claims.

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The post More Dem skullduggery in Trump classified-documents case appeared first on WND.

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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