Wikileaks: Podesta admits Hillary hates ‘everyday Americans’

We’ve suspected this for quite a while, based on what she’s said in the past, but Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta admitted in an email released by Wikileaks that Democrat Hillary Clinton — perhaps the most evil person ever nominated by a major party — hates “everyday Americans.”
“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” he said in the email, which can be seen here. “I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa.”
A post at the Daily Caller tried to tamp the message down a bit, saying that Hillary hates the phrase, “everyday Americans.”
It’s possible that’s what Podesta meant, but that’s not how the email reads, and he doesn’t specifically say she hates the phrase.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
But the revelation seems to fit her description of Trump supporters as “deplorable,” “un-American” and “irredeemable.” It also seems to fit her description of Sanders supporters as ignorant basement dwellers and losers.
It also fits statements she’s made in the past, like referring to handicapped children as “f*****g retards.”
The bottom line is this — Hillary Clinton hates average Americans. And now we have it in black and white from high up in her campaign.
But the media wants us to focus on things Trump said 11 years ago.
- Hillary on Israeli TV: ‘Eliminate’ deplorables ‘from your thinking’ — Video
- Leaked audio: Hillary savages Bernie supporters as ignorant basement dwellers who want free stuff
- Hillary: Half of Trump supporters ‘racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it’
- Hillary promises to destroy pro-Trump conservative site if elected
- Historic: Dems nominate most evil person to run for President
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