Historic: Dems nominate most evil person to run for President

News outlets — and I use the term loosely — are beside themselves declaring the nomination of Hillary Clinton as something that is “historic.” OK, so she’s the first woman to be nominated by a major party for the highest office in the land. But she also happens to be the most evil.
That’s right, I said it — evil.
I first brought the subject up last March and asked you, the reader, to give some feedback. At the time, I specifically used the term “diabolical” to describe Clinton, falling just short of calling her “evil.”
I’ve since had a slight change of heart. There is now no doubt in my military mind whatsoever that yes, she is evil.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Let me explain.
We’ve talked a lot about her past — something the Democrat-media complex refuses to touch. We’ve talked about the case in which she got an accused child rapist off after allegedly raping a 12-year-old. FrontPageMag minced no words when it said: “There’s evil. There’s real evil. And there’s Hillary Clinton.”
Here she is talking about that case:
We’ve also written at length about her email scandal and how she was given a free pass for offenses the FBI director admitted would get anyone else in serious trouble.
We’ve discussed Benghazi and how she lied to the world about how the attack that saw four Americans killed was the fault of a video when she knew better.
As I said last March, I remember the Clinton years well. Bill is no doubt a far-left wing progressive ideologue, but he is also a shrewd politician who knew when it was time to start working with Republicans.
Hillary, on the other hand, is something else completely different.
There’s no telling what evil machinations go on in that mind of hers.
This is a woman who has spent over 40 years lying and scheming her way to the top. And now she’s just one election away from being the leader of the free world.
Last November, for example, she demanded the personal information of comedians who made fun of her. Imagine what she would do to those who criticize her job performance in the White House.
The same month, she proclaimed that Muslims have “nothing whatsoever” to do with Islamic terrorism. Apparently we’re supposed to ignore the attacks on innocent people — Muslim and non-Muslim alike — on practically any given day by certain adherents of the “religion of peace.”
She wants to increase the number of refugees from Syria by 500 percent without a screening plan, hardly a wise proposition given the near-daily attacks around the world.
But it goes much farther than that. Last July, the Daily Caller reported:
As Secretary of State, Clinton promised an international Islamic organization in 2011 that the United States government would “use some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming” to intimidate Americans who improperly criticize Islam or Muhammad.
“An official of the United States, in an official communiqué, went to a foreign land to commit to a foreign leader that the United States Government would engage in the extra-legal practice of intimidating American citizens in the exercise of what is otherwise their protected free speech rights under the First Amendment,” (national security expert Stephen) Coughlin told TheDCNF.
Let this sink in for just a minute.
Not only does she want to bring tens of thousands of unvetted refugees from Syria, she promised to silence critics of Islam.
In short, she wants to implement sharia law in the United States.
Then there’s the Clinton Foundation, which is now being investigated by the same FBI that declared her above the law.
But will anything come of it? I’m not going to hold my breath, and I suggest you not do the same.
In short, besides her sordid history of lies and schemes, she hates free speech, wants sharia law and yes, she’s a Marxist.
While speaking at a 2004 Democratic fundraiser, she all but quoted Karl Marx, as WND reported (Emphasis added):
“Many of you are well enough off that … the tax cuts may have helped you,” Clinton said, according to the Associated Press. “We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you.
“We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
If that sounds somewhat familiar, it should: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
No one on this planet is perfect. Whatever faults Donald Trump may have, they pale in comparison to Hillary Clinton’s. He’s definitely onto something when he refers to her as “Crooked Hillary.”
I would go one step further, however, and call her “evil” Hillary.
Hopefully, the electorate will come to see that as well before the November election. Failure to do so will ensure the complete destruction of the United States as a free, constitutional republic.
- Hillary Clinton: Muslims ‘have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism’ – Video
- Is Hillary Clinton evil?
- Video: Clinton supporters endorse Sharia law in U.S.
- Voter Fraud in Ohio Tied to Hillary Clinton and George Soros
- Gingrich unloads: ‘Hillary Clinton lies all the time’
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