
Voter majority thinks Biden more likely to raise taxes than Trump

former biden staffer
A majority of voters think Joe Biden is far more likely to raise taxes than Donald Trump.

By nearly a 2-to-1 margin, a majority of likely voters believe Democrat Joe Biden will raise taxes if he is elected president in November, according to a new survey by Rasmussen Reports.

Rasmussen reported Thursday that 66 percent of likely voters “consider cutting taxes important to their vote in the upcoming presidential election, with 35% who say it’s Very Important.”

However, for 31 percent, cutting taxes is not an important issue, the polling group added.

“If Biden defeats Trump, 53% believe their taxes are more likely to go up,” Rasmussen said. “Only 14% say they are more likely to go down, while 25% expect their taxes to remain about the same.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

On the other hand, Rasmussen learned, “If Trump is reelected, 28% feel their taxes are more likely to go up, while 21% say they’re more likely to go down. Forty-three percent (43%) predict that their taxes will remain about the same.”

There’s a split along party lines, with only 31 percent of identified Democrats thinking taxes will rise with a Biden victory, while 81 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Independents thinking a Biden administration will stick its hands deeper into their wallets.

Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll found 47 percent of likely voters approving of President Donald Trump’s job performance, including 36 percent who “strongly approve.”

However, a new Quinnipiac poll shows Biden widening his lead over Trump in several categories, with an overall lead of 52-37 percent. That compares to a poll June 18 that had Biden ahead of Trump 49-41 percent.

Trump supporters are quick to recall 2016 when Hillary Rodham Clinton was considered a shoe-in for the presidency, and she was trounced, losing several key states that had traditionally voted Democrat, so she evidently took them for granted. Gun owners turned out in big numbers to create a sea change at the polls.

According to the Quinnipiac poll, Independent voters are a “key factor behind Biden’s widening lead, as thdy now back him 51-34 percent.” In June the split was 43-40 in favor of Biden.

Republicans back Trump 84-9 percent while Democrats support Biden 91-5 percent.

This fall’s election could once again come down to the “gun vote.” Biden has made no secret of his intent to bring more restrictions to gun owners, while Trump can ride on his record of appointing pro-rights judges to the federal courts, and to the U.S. Supreme Court.


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