
Unvaxxed Student Banned From ONLINE Classes By University 70 Miles Away!

This story was originally published by the WND News Center.

Logan Hollar had been planning to be taking classes at Rutgers University at this point in the year in an all-virtual schedule so he would not have to leave his home in Sandyston, New Jersey, 70 miles away.

He’s not, because the school locked him out based on his lack of a COVID vaccination.

Maybe COVID now is becoming a “computer virus”?

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The New York Post explains Rugters barred Hollar, 22, over its vaccine mandate.

He explained he didn’t pay attention to the requirement because he wasn’t going to be on campus.

That didn’t matter, the school said, a vaccination mandate is a vaccination mandate.

“Hollar has now been forced to miss classes that started Sept. 1 — and has been warned it could be weeks before a decision is reached on his application for an exemption to the vaccine mandate, he said,” the Post reported.

“I’ll probably have to transfer to a different university,” Hollar said in an interview with “I find it concerning for the vaccine to be pushed by the university rather than my doctor.”

Hollar’s stepfather, Keith Williams, told the Post he was shocked.

“I believe in science, I believe in vaccines, but I am highly confident that COVID-19 and variants do not travel through computer monitors by taking online classes,” Williams said.

“He chose to remove himself from an on-campus experience so he would not need to be vaccinated. Now to be removed and shut down from his Rutgers email and online classes during the start of his senior year seems a bit crazy,” he said.

A school spokeswoman said its policies are different for “fully online” programs and “classes” that are remote, because some of those students may be on campus.

The Daily Mail said Hollar is pursuing a degree in psychology.

The school said students can apply for medical or religious exemptions, but it could mean a wait of a month to hear.

The school notified him of its requirements by sending him messages, then locking him out of his online portal to pay tuition and gain access to his email.

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