
Southern Communities Hit By Hurricane Helene Told To Expect Extended Power Outages After Biden Sends Critical Electrical Equipment To Ukraine Instead

(Natural News) Hundreds of thousands of households throughout the Southeast are being told by the authorities to prepare for extended power outages following Hurricane Helene because President Biden just sent a massive amount of our nation’s much-needed critical electrical equipment to Ukraine instead.

In addition to sending a bulk of America’s artillery shells to Volodymyr Zelensky, the Biden-Kamala regime also just handed over our nation’s stockpile of critical electrical equipment, which areas in and around Asheville, N.C., and Greenville, S.C., desperately need to get their damaged infrastructure back up and running.

Believe it or not, the United States has always maintained a stockpile of critical electrical equipment, including things like transformers and switchgears, as a backup in case of a serious emergency. That serious emergency came with Hurricane Helene, but the Biden-Kamala regime had other plans for these resources.

Check out the video below, captured just two weeks before Hurricane Helene struck, in which Secretary of State Antony Blinken talks about the $325 million in U.S. taxpayer cash that was being sent at that time to repair and upgrade Ukraine’s energy and electric grid:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

(Related: It is quite the coincidence that western North Carolina, which tends to lean “red” politically speaking, got decimated by a massive hurricane just weeks before the 2024 election, don’t you think?)

With Biden at the helm, it’s America last (as usual)

It is being reported that an astounding 360 electricity substations throughout the Carolinas and Georgia desperately need new transformers in order to once again operate as they should. There are no transformers left, though, because Biden and Kamala sent them all to Ukraine.

“So while they’re prioritizing foreign aid, millions of Americans could be left in the dark for months, suffering through extended power outages because of their poor decision-making,” tweeted the @amuse X / Twitter account about the situation.

“Once again, it’s America last under this regime. Oh and don’t get me started on selling our nation’s strategic petroleum supply to China …”

The internet is, as you might expect, outraged about these revelations. One person who calls himself or herself “QTheLibertine” (@QTheLibertine1) on X / Twitter wrote that this is “beyond treason.”

“The amount of time it takes to build these transformers is significant,” this person added. “We order gear and transformers years ahead of major builds. Losing the surplus in the system, particularly for MV substation transformers smacks of intentional damage to the economy and electrical grid.”

Another added to the conversation that surely Russia, China and other countries are watching what is happening and making their plans accordingly.

“Most people do not fully understand what would happen if our grid suffered a major catastrophe and crashed for months, if not years! I’m so angry I can’t even type!”

During his first week in office, Biden canceled Donald Trump’s ban on China making transformers for the U.S. energy grid. As such, China now has “remote control over our entire electrical grids,” according to Wesley Thompson (@WesleyT24459748) on X / Twitter.

“Think about that. China can turn out the lights and turn off the power across the U.S. with a keystroke.”

Whether or not this is true, it is certainly a possibility and something that people are thinking about as our nation’s political leaders sell us all down the river for their 30 pieces of silver.

Will America as we currently know it even make it to Election Day? Find out more at Rigged.news.

Sources for this article include:


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