
‘Shocking’: Arizona Democrat In Charge Of Fair Elections Used Government Power, Resources To Censor Critics

A new and astonishing report from the American Center for Law and Justice reveals Katie Hobbs, then-secretary of state in Arizona and now governor, used government resources during the last election to coordinate censorship of her critics.

The ACLJ said the confirmation came in response to a public records request the organization pursued in Arizona.

It sought records of Hobbs’ communications with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more.

The latest documents provided, the ACLJ reported, include an email from the person who then was communications director for Hobbs to Google, confirming how people should report “dis/misinformation.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Democrat Katie Hobbs addresses supporters on Election Night, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. (Video screenshot)
Democrat Katie Hobbs addresses supporters on Election Night, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022.

The email stated: ” This is Murphy Hebert, the comms director for the Arizona Secretary of State, We are putting together our materials for the volunteers monitoring Twitter on Election Day. I have these protocols from the last cycle: If you see dis/misinformation on Google or YouTube, please get a screenshot and then send it, a link to the issue, and a description of what is inaccurate to all of the following people: Erica Arbetter (redacted)@google.com; Joe Dooley [redacted]@google.com; John Ruxton [redacted]@google.com; and Andrea Holtermann [redacted]@google.com. Are there any updates?”

The ACLJ explained, “Shockingly, you have the government official charged with overseeing free and fair elections – and who is also running for higher office – using government resources to organize a ‘volunteer’ army to target free speech surrounding her own election and colluding with social media giants to censor it.”

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The report continued, “As we have detailed before here – the self-appointed, supposedly objective ‘fact checkers’ who police this material too often share the political biases of the radical Left. Consequently, information that is both true and fair is often categorized as mis-, dis-, or malinformation to censor legitimate free and political speech, especially when that speech expresses the corruption and failures of the radical Left. Time and again the ‘noble’ motives of Deep State bureaucrats are revealed to be a façade to advance self-serving and authoritarian ends.”

The report pointed out that the FBI even has admitted “in their internal emails that they believe the private industry is their ‘most valuable asset’ in censoring free speech. Leftist political campaigns seem to have taken the same tactics, including employing armies of volunteers to remove politically inconvenient details freely disseminated in the public square online. While we have now uncovered Hobbs’ use of government resources to violate First Amendment rights, there is significantly more digging to do to determine how and in what ways this was used to sway the electorate before and during the election.”

The tactic apparently has become common for Democrats like Hobbs. It was during the 2020 election that the FBI interfered in the presidential race by warning media companies to suppress accurate reporting about a trove of information uncovered in a laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden.

The computer contained information about multiple scandals involving the Biden family, including information about the family’s alleged “influence peddling” operations in which members took in millions of dollars by selling access to Joe Biden as vice president, then president.

The buyers often were individuals who would be considered enemies of America.

A polling after the election showed had that information about the Bidens been ordinarily reported, enough voters would have withheld their support for Biden in the election that he likely would have lost multiple swing states – and the race – to President Trump

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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