
Scum-Sucking Liberal Hatemongers Celebrate Death of Rush Limbaugh (Video)

As we and many others reported on Wednesday, conservative icon Rush Limbaugh died at the age of 70 after fighting a lengthy battle with lung cancer.  Conservatives across the country mourned his passing and remembered his contribution to the American political scene.  Scum-sucking maggot-infested liberal hatemongers, however, celebrated his death, proving my long-held assertion that liberalism, at its core, is an ideology of insane bloodthirsty rage and hate.

The hatred was so intense and outrageous that the term, “Rest in Piss” actually trended on Twitter, a site dedicated to stupid, lying liberal hate and propaganda.


Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

The hatred wasn’t confined to ignorant liberal hatemongers on the fetid sewer known as Twitter.  As Breitbart reported, the hatred extended to lying liberal propaganda outlets.

“Rush Limbaugh, Bigoted King Of Talk Radio, Dies At 70,” the Huffington Post said.

Fake news CNN also attacked Limbaugh:

CNN propagandist Brian Stelter joined in, Newsbusters said.

MSNBC, the official network of insane liberal rage, hate and stupid, lying liberal propaganda, lambasted Limbaugh as “polarizing” and racist:

“By the time he was 8 years old, Rush Limbaugh had set his sights on a career in radio, getting his start by playing records on a toy radio in his bedroom. That enthusiasm and singular focus carried through his teens. Limbaugh quit college to become a rock n’ roll deejay. Following a few false starts, he eventually found a footing in talk radio. His reputation as a right-wing diehard quickly drew a following on a local station in Sacramento. The show’s success earned him a national audience through syndication in 1988. The Rush Limbaugh Show quickly became known for its extreme conservative slant and Limbaugh’s, at times, racist and bigoted commentary.”

Breitbart added:

CNBC followed suit, describing Limbaugh as both “incendiary” and “acerbic” and accusing him of bashing “prominent Black people,” specifically.

“Rush Limbaugh was the self-proclaimed ‘Doctor of Democracy; who led the conservative media revolution by bashing ‘feminazis,’ ‘environmentalist wackos,’ ‘commie libs’ and prominent Black people — especially former President Barack Obama,” CNBC wrote.

In describing Limbaugh’s approach, NBC claimed that his show “satiated the appetite for a predominantly white male audience” — an audience that “didn’t care for being talked down to by intellectuals”:

And there was more:


Hollywood hatemongers also celebrated Limbaugh’s death:

Billy Baldwin, by the way, is the brother of Alec Baldwin.


You get the picture.

On a personal note, I began listening to Limbaugh when he first went on the air nationwide in the 1980s.  I enjoyed his wit and his talent.  When I first began writing for Examiner.com back in 2010, I was floored when I heard him reading one of my posts on the air.

Limbaugh will be missed.

As for the leftist hatemongers, I only have one thing to say.  It might not be very polite, but at this stage, I really don’t care:  To HELL with you.  ALL of you.

And if you have a hard time understanding English, let me make myself perfectly clear:


Any questions?


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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