
Rejecting the Facts: The Murder of Jazmine Barnes

The narrative that literally screamed “white supremacist” from the MSM over the death of Jazmine Barnes in a drive by shooting on December 30, worked the already out of control racial divide into a frenzy. Fact: Two black males are implicated in the murder, not a “white supremacist.” It all stemmed from a white man people at the scene saw fleeing, reported by Breitbart.

But he was likely fleeing the sound of the shooting and had nothing to do with the murder, according to police. That’s not how the Media and various race baiters told it.

jazmine barnes
“But he doesn’t match that first description!” They cried. Because the witnesses weren’t looking at the vehicle that fired the shots. They jumped to conclusions.

A red pickup pulled next to the Barnes vehicle on December 30 and shots rang out. The mother was hit in the arm, and Jazmine, who was sitting in the back seat, was killed. Two other girls in the car were not hurt.

Acting on tips, Police arrested Eric Black Jr, 20, and charged him with capital murder. Larry Woodruffe, 24, the second suspect, was also arrested and his bail set at $100,000 on drug charges, although further charges will be forthcoming. The murder weapon was found in Black’s home.

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L- Larry Woodruffe, R-Eric Black Jr

The false narrative

It was a case of mistaken identity, not a “hate crime.” Some people are still pushing the hate crime angle. Irresponsible? At least one lawmaker, Sheila Jackson Lee, is not admitting it, according to Fox.

The rejection of the facts, or even searching for real facts is why our nation is so divided. Here are some of the tweets about or by those who don’t care about such important things.

And some folks aren’t even bothering to delete their tweets over the matter. They reject facts. They refuse rational thoughts. They live in their own world of hate. How does that help America come together? It doesn’t. And no one seems to care. Last week, speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi looked the DHS Secretary in the eye and said “I reject your facts.” No one wants to hear facts anymore, apparently.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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