
“Peace” Fabulists Endanger Israel, America, the Entire Free World!

Far too often, seemingly, well-educated, rational folks opine: “Peace” will break out in the Middle East, that is, if only Israel’s “war-mongers” cease and desist defending their citizenry! By extrapolation, grateful Islamic-driven barbarians, Sunni and Shia, will volte-face. Imagine that. Voila.
Now, lest anyone steadfastly clings to the above twisted hallucination – that which encompasses a pathological obsession – they must, post haste, be relegated to the sidelines of any rational discourse. In this way, they are thrown headlong into the category of “Alice in Wonderland/Down The Rabbit Hole”
Fantastical, fabulistic minded, so-called thinkers.
Tragically, demonstrably,
https://youtu.be/uppDoDW3VRc, said flight from reality has become mainstream. Normative.
While mainly attributed to Western Globalists – whose worldviews are steeped in Jew-hatred – of course, as a knock-on effect, their evil actions and biases are transmuted to Israel writ large; the Biblical, Historical, Jewish National Homeland. Naturally, the aforementioned are in lock-step with nihilistic Mohammadans.

Resultant, they operate as a force multiplier to exert a maximize amount of carnage upon Israel, as well as onto Jews worldwide. Intrinsically, it is impossible to overstate the magnitude of the threat level; that which reaches an unprecedented degree, when considering the net effect of the “red-green alliance/axis.”


But there’s more.
Unfathomably, leftist Jews in Israel (who lend a fierce tailwind to their comrades in America, as well as within the west in toto), led by fellow post/anti-Zionists, with former PM Ehud Barak as their titular head, have become the enemies within. No doubt.
Former Chief of Staff Dan Halutz says in left-wing demonstration that ministers Ben Gvir, Smotrich and Levin are the existential threat to the country and not the various terrorist organizations…..
Case closed – even though a laundry list of similarly inclined traitors incite in plain view!
Alas, if the above is not earth-shattering and heart-rending enough, the usual suspects – leftist media mouthpieces ala tv, print, online, social media fronts – stoke the fires, thereby, enflaming jihadi barbarism against Israel!
Ipso facto, chief within this pincer-like encirclement lies Meta, a/k/a Facebook. As evidenced within a compendium of analyses by this writer/author, it is imperative to absorb the below bullet-proof trails. So much so, the evil-doers within understand that they are well-advised not to threaten in this direction, that is, to cease and desist! As is known to the more legally-inclined, depositions tend to create messy and unwanted “openings” for certain secrets that are best left buried.
Now, akin to a dog-pile, yes, western academia enters the filth-ridden arena. Never-ending.
It is at this critical juncture that a backgrounder, the con-joining of so-called mainstream media + academia, must ensue. This is so because countless well- meaning individuals are confused re the incendiary nexus between academia and the “Fourth Estate.”
To wit, their marriage didn’t occur overnight. In reality, the courtship is decades old. Whereas it is both wholly unprofessional and morally bankrupt for professors to be injecting their political biases into their classrooms and campuses, their linkages have become welded together; that which cannot be uncoupled in our lifetime, if ever. Read: America’s Academic Cesspool: (Poisoned” Ivies Lead the Way!
Basically, the 1960’s afforded a hyper-organized group of well-funded student revolutionaries their foothold to overturn academia. Their efforts piggybacked onto an American landscape which was already on fire from various trigger points. Thus, they pounced into action across campuses, as well as throughout the national landscape. However, it must be understood that even though a cadre of student leaders were up to their necks in upending the social order by acting as campus foot soldiers, neverthess, without the imprimatur, overt or covert, of faculties and administrators, the mayhem would not have been allowed to continue apace.
That being said, though several campuses were instigators and ring leaders in all the chaos, Columbia University in New York City, most notably, deserves much of the credit.
Be that as it may, the die was cast. And it was into this nightmarish upheaval that leftist entrenchment into academia became cemented. Consequentially, so-called journalists are plucked from top journalism programs to fill rarefied openings at various media outlets. Of course, the most coveted ones are those within the big six outlets. One such prestigious program is Columbia School of Journalism, therefore, is it any wonder that leftist academia + the “Fourth Estate” have merged into a dangerous and unholy alliance – the most pernicious force multipliers operating at the edges of a multi-front, bloody battlefield waging an existential war against Israel!
Most significantly, while Israelis run hither and yon to seek shelter in protected spaces – with continuous barrages of missiles, rockets, drones, etc. raining down upon them, since 10/7/23 – a fraction of malignant actors are cited, albeit, with far too many unmentioned. In both words and deeds, they dare to blame Israel, the victim, for fighting back against an existential peril! Evil intent, on its face.

Inexorably, but for the “Lions of Zion” within the ranks of the IDF, IAF, Navy and various aces within Israel’s Special Forces, Mossad, etc., Sunni and Shia Islamic monsters would have reached their centuries-long, Koranic mandates: The eradication of world Jewry!

But don’t despair. Those who cannot join the physical battle, they, too, have an integral part to play. Indeed, front and center, stands an “Informational War Front”, of which this writer is immeasureably linked.
Conclusively, like it or not, whither Israel goes, similarly, the fate of world Jewry is barely far behind.


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