
Oregon HB 2510: Rigid Gun Storage Bill

The vote on Oregon HB 2510 was delayed until this coming Monday, but if it passes, it will be among the most rigid gun storage bills in the nation. It very well could pass. But should it? When six GOP Senators stayed in Salem to vote no on another gun bill, they received threatening emails. This one will likely be no different.

HB 2510

HB 2510

The bill contains a lot of emotional leftist verbiage and the name rests on two people who were killed by a stolen AR-15 platform weapon in 2012. But the bill locks down firearms so strongly that getting to them in an emergency would be extremely difficult Which is the main problen with any gun storage law.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked
container or in gun room except in specified circumstances. Punishes violation by maximum of $500
fine. If minor obtains unsecured firearm as result of violation, punishes by maximum of $2,000 fine.
Provides that person who does not secure firearm as required is strictly liable for injury to person
or property within two years after violation. Specifies exceptions to liability.

Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container when transferring firearm under circumstances requiring criminal background check, except in specified circumstances. Punishes violation by maximum of $500 fine. Provides that person who transfers firearm without securing firearm is strictly liable for injury to person or property within two years after violation. Specifies exceptions to liability.

Requires person to report loss or theft of firearm within 72 hours of time person knew or reasonably should have known of loss or theft. Punishes violation of requirement by maximum of $1,000

Directs Oregon Health Authority to specify by rule minimum specifications for trigger and cable
locks and locked containers required by Act.

Declares emergency, effective on passage.

Hundreds of people in Oregon submitted testimony about HB 2510, but most of them had to do it in writing because there were too many for in person testimony.

Jim Mischel, of Sheridan, Oregon, described how his wife woke up when he was away one night in 1981. She heard a noise, went to investigate and saw that a man had broken into their home.

She returned to the bedroom and tried to get to a pistol that was in a locked gun box in the nightstand.

“She was unable to get the box unlocked and the pistol out before he got into the bedroom and threatened her with his gun,” Mischel said. “She has never recovered.”


Such stories generally fall on deaf ears in left-leaning jurisdictions like Oregon. Even Colorado, once a red state now a decidedly purple one, passed a storage law signed by Democrat Governor Jared Polis on Monday. It creates this crime: “knowing that a juvenile could access it without permission or if a resident of the premises is ineligible to possess a firearm.”

Mandatory storage laws, however, lock down things to a point where a responsible minor is barred from getting access to a firearm, something they may need to save their lives. Criminals aren’t known for discriminating because of age. They’ll kill just about anyone.

Tom Knighton, Bearing Arms


H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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