
Obama 2.0 – Border Crisis Deepens Under Biden

An Arizona law enforcement official and a Texas law enforcement official are sounding the alarm about the serious increase in illegal immigration since Biden reversed Trump’s immigration policy. We previously wrote about the uptick in illegals from the Border Patrol, but these warnings are coming from local counties. The Chief Deputy Sheriff of Pinal County called it “Obama 2.0.”

obama 2.0
Screenshot via Julio Rosas interview on Fox
 “Cartels realized that the strict immigration policies that were under President Trump are being reversed under now-President Biden & so they’re going to have a lot more easier time & now they’re willing to send more people & more contraband, such as drugs….”

Julio Rosas, Townhall

Obama 2.0 – Pinal County Chief Deputy Sheriff Matthew Thomas

Pinal county, Arizona is not a border county. But it is becoming a transport point for drugs and humans that were stopped under Trump.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Google Map of Pinal County, Arizona

“When Trump took office, we saw that this area out here went completely dead. Nobody was moving, nobody was smuggling because the cartels knew that Trump was going to put all hands on deck out down here and that they would be intercepted so it came to a screeching halt. It was a very slow trickle to get back to some kind of normal but it never got back to where it was…

…For us, effectively, I-8…becomes the new border and even the cartels will tell you that’s their goal line because once they get there, they’re shooting west or they’re shooting east and then they’re on a main interstate right into downtown Phoenix…we become the kickoff point for that...

Pinal County Chief Deputy Sheriff Matthew Thomas to Julio Rosas at Townhall

As we reported under Obama, the border crisis sent hundreds of thousands of illegals and refugees into the communities of America. At one point, they carried with them serious diseases like Leishmaniasis, Scabies, Tuberculosis, which sometimes went untested. The children were dumped into our schools, exposing our children to diseases that had been eradicated for decades, even ones our medicial officials hadn’t seen before. Everyone that comes through the border is supposed to be screened for disease, but it appears that practice has been left off the agenda. Now we have the problem of COVID-19 on top of allowing criminal illegals access to our nation with impunity.

Obama 2.0 – Sheriff of Jackson County, Texas, AJ Louderback

It’s absolutely true. It’s Absolutely true. It’s even, if I can continue Tucker, the memo, the memo that I received this last week, it’s essentially a defund the ICE by memo, by a memorandum that was sent out by David Borkowski on January 20 of 21. So this is a particularly devastating document for Texans and Americans here in the United States. The message really has been sent, when I read it first and looked at it, it’s a message to the world, you can come here illegally, you could commit crimes here against Americans and remain here illegally...

But in the haste to open the border for everyone in this country. This is something that I expected to some degree, we walked this path and from 2008 to 2016. This program that was released by memorandum … a priority enforcement program from in 2014, 2015 where people were able to commit crimes here against Americans. The COVID issue conveniently overlooked during this time. So you know, I struggle for a thought process, like many Americans and Texans, on how the administration can conduct themselves in this manner, and promote a lawless attitude here where people are going to get hurt, seriously injured, killed, and people vowed to stay here, which is unbelievable. Yet here we sit with this situation.

A J Louderback, Sheriff of Jackson County, TX to Tucker Carlson (Daily Wire)

Bidem has created more havoc in his short time in office than any president in our history just by undoing the previous policies of the Trump administration. Literally hundred of thousands of jobs destroyed, the potential resurgence of Covid, and the overwhelming of our borders by a new influx of illegal immigrants.


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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