New York City Mayor-elect Bill DeBlasio and 15 other newly elected mayors met with President Obama at the White House yesterday where they discussed plans to push the progressive agenda. The strategy DeBlasio described for accomplishing that goal is an Orwellian-style plan to begin turning our children into good little socialists at an early age.
“It was very interesting,” Deblasio said to reporters about the meeting, “a lot of them [the mayors] talked about pre-K, a lot of them talked about early childhood education as one of the breakthrough things we have to do to change the dynamics.”
Universal pre-K was reportedly one of the major topics of discussion at the meeting, and was one of the major themes of de Blasio’s mayoral campaign. He told reporters that early childhood education was a priority shared by the other mayors as well as President Obama, and that it is one of the keys to the progressive movement.