
Liberal Loons Now Want to Give Human Rights to a Lake

Next on the list of absurd demands made by enviro nuts and left-wingers is the drive to give “personhood” to the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

Yes, folks, liberals want to give human rights to a lake.

This idea isn’t exactly now, granted. The loony left has been driving to give animals human rights, trees human rights, and even the earth itself. So, its all of a piece to devalue the life of humans.

Along those lines, now we see radical leftist and Harvard “professor,” Terry Tempest Williams, who claims that because the Great Salt Lake is having environmental issues, we should give it human rights to protect it.

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In a recent op-ed published by the New York Times, Williams argues that it is time to take this step.

Scientists tell us the lake needs an additional one million acre-feet per year to reverse its decline, increasing average stream flow to about 2.5 million acre-feet per year. A gradual refilling would begin. Two-thirds of the natural flow going into the lake is currently being diverted: 80 percent of that diversion by agriculture, 10 percent by industries and 10 percent by municipalities. Water conservation provides a map for how to live within our means. We can create water banks and budgets where we know how much water we have and how much water we spend. Public and private green turf can be retired.

He then added:

“If we believe in the Western water doctrine of ‘first in time, first in rights,’ then the water law of prior appropriation says these water rights originally belonged to her as a sovereign body,” said Mr. Abbott.

The Rights of Nature is now a global movement granting personhood to rivers, mountains and forests. In Ecuador, they have granted constitutional rights to Pachamama, Earth Mother.

In the United States, Lake Erie was granted personhood in 2019, allowing citizens to sue on behalf of the lake. Although this right was invalidated by a federal judge, this is the new frontier of granting legal status to a living world. Why not grant personhood rights to Great Salt Lake, which in 2021 was voted “Utahn of the Year” in The Salt Lake Tribune? This is not a radical but a rational response to an increasingly wounded Earth.

These people really are mentally unhinged.

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Cross-posted with iPatriot


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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.

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