
Killing Airport Exec Bryan Malinowski by ATF Agents

Is this the ATF's version of Murder, Inc?

The ATF has been off the rails for some time now, and nowhere is that more evident than the killing of Little Rock airport executive Bryan Malinowski. None of the agents wore bodycams, the conducted a “no-knock” warrant by kicking in the door of his residence and taped over the doorbell camera. Why is the question House Judicial Committee wanted to know in a hearing Thursday with ATF Director Dettelbach in the hot seat.

A lawsuit filed against the ATF over this travesty was dismissed by an Arkansas court previously, a deliciously handy way for Dettelbach to skirt the questions.

Cutting off power? Taping over the camera? What country is this?

ATF agents cut off the electricity to Bryan Malinowski’s Little Rock home before executing their search warrant March 19. None of the agents wore body cameras, and they covered Malinowski’s doorbell camera with tape to hide their actions. Fifty-seven seconds after kicking down the front door, Malinowski was fatally shot in the head. His wife, Maer Malinowski, was pulled out of her home wearing only bedclothes and forced into the back of a squad car, where she was held against her will for four hours in 34-degree weather, despite her frequent pleas to check on her dying husband.

“If that isn’t weaponization of government, I don’t know what is,” Congressman Jim Jordan, R-OH, said Thursday morning, during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, which he chairs. Lee Williams, Second Amendment Foundation 

When the agents kicked in the door to the Malinowski residence, he grabbed his gun and opened fire in attempt to protect his family. Unfortunately, he was up against the government. Would you have done the same not having any idea who kicked open your door?

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The ATF alleges that Malinowski was selling firearms without a license to do so, and unlawful procurement of a firearm. Except that Malinowski had no criminal record. He allegedly purchased around 150 guns between May 2021 and Feb 2024. He supposedly sold them at gun shows and to other private buyers. (Arkansas Times)

“The highest-paid official in the municipal government of Little Rock, Arkansas, making $260,000 running the airport. No criminal background, history, nothing and he’s dead at a pre-dawn raid when it sure looks like you could have served this search warrant when he was not there, but you chose not to.” Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) (KARK)

So why did he need to be home for a search warrant? And if a crime was alleged, why couldn’t they have obtained a warrant and arrested him, even at work?

The new rule change to the ATF’s definition of firearms trafficking does not give a number for how many guns a person can sell or own. It only states that it’s a violation when someone obtains a “profit” from selling them. That vagueness in the rule – it’s a rule, by the way, not a law – has come under fire since it went into effect. Mr. Malinowski lost his life over it and the Gestapo-like tactics of the ATF.

A Texas judge recently blocked enforcement of the rule, while a court in Arkansas has yet to issue a decision.

“ATF killed Bryan Malinowski to enforce a law nobody understood. The ATF Director was unable to explain his new version today. Last Monday, DOJ attorneys were reportedly unable to explain ATF’s new law to US District Judge Moody in Little Rock. That adds up to unconstitutionally vague law enforcement. It’s truly outrageous.” Bud Cummins, Malinowski family attorney



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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