The Giffords gun control group—founded by former Congresswoman-turned-gun-control-advocate Gabrielle Giffords and husband Mark Kelly, a former astronaut-turned-politician—has launched a new organization calling itself “Gun Owners for Safety,” but according to the National Rifle Association, it’s a gun control group in disguise.
The disguise doesn’t seem to be working. The story broke at Ammoland News a few days ago, and NRA-ILA picked up on it and expanded on it.
“Anti-gun advocates attempting to create a ‘new’ organization that attempts to disguise its gun control agenda is nothing new, of course. Giffords, as well as many other anti-gun groups, have a long history of rebranding themselves in order to deceive Americans into believing their agenda isn’t simply promoting more and more gun control laws,” the NRA writes at its website.
Ammoland News noted the group’s launch appeared timed to split the gun owner vote in the Nov. 3 election, just two weeks away.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Kelly is running as a Democrat in a fierce effort to unseat Arizona Sen. Martha McSally, the first woman in history to fly a fighter jet in combat, according to three former astronauts, writing an op-ed for the Arizona Republic in which they explain why they support the Republican incumbent over a fellow former astronaut.
Kelly has argued that he’s a gun owner and supports the Second Amendment. However, in another Op-Ed for the Arizona Republic, Ricochet Editor-in-Chief Jon Gabriel writes, “Mark Kelly says he supports the Second Amendment. But actions speak louder than words.”
Gabriel then explains why he believes Kelly, who has toured around the country with his wife promoting gun control, hasn’t been honest about his activism.
“The record clearly shows that Kelly has spent years pushing gun control legislation and promoting the Second Amendment’s worst enemies,” Gabriel wrote.
Perhaps not coincidentally, President Donald Trump was in Arizona campaigning Monday in an effort to keep that state in his corner, and perhaps to bolster the McSally campaign in the process. Voter turnout across the country is already heavy, according to various reports.
Giffords was serving in Congress when a man opened fire at a rally in Tucson, severely wounding the congresswoman and killing six other people, including a child. That man bought his gun legally.
Now their organization, named for former Rep. Giffords, has spawned the gun owners’ group, with chapters in several swing states.
The giveaway, as noted by Ammoland and NRA coverage, is that these Gun Owners’ groups support gun control laws. As they explain, “For too long, gun laws in our country have made it too easy to get a gun without a rigorous background check. Now more than ever, gun owners must work together to find smart solutions that will save lives and support the Second Amendment. It’s time for sensible background checks and responsible gun laws. We can help save lives and protect our Second Amendment rights for generations to come.”
Gun rights are a keystone issue in this year’s elections. Second Amendment activists are pressing gun owners to help re-elect Donald Trump to the presidency, and vote for Republicans to retain the U.S. Senate majority and flip back the House of Representatives to GOP control, taking the speaker’s gavel away from Rep. Nancy Pelosi a second time.
Millions of people have already voted, and gun owners are being encouraged to get their ballots in if they have absentee or “mail-in” ballots. But, they’re also being cautioned to drop marked ballots at official collections boxes rather than trust the Postal Service for on-time delivery.
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