
Gaetz Pushes To Strip Security Clearances From 51 Intel Officials Who Claimed Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was “Russian Disinformation”

(Natural News) Rep. Matt Gaetz is pushing to have the security clearances stripped of dozens of former U.S. intelligence officials who signed on to a letter ahead of the 2020 election claiming that they believe materials gleaned from a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was “Russian disinformation.”

Some of the contents from the laptop, which included damning photographs of the first son as well as emails that indicated he and his entire family are corrupt, were first reported by the New York Post, the country’s oldest newspaper, in mid-October 2020, just a few weeks before the election. While the mainstream media went into full denial, 51 deep state ‘intelligence’ officials gave them cover with their letter, which claimed, in part:

We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement – just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.

If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

But in fact, they were lying — all of them. And they knew it. But their opposition to another four years of the best president in the modern era, Donald Trump, led them to dump their impartiality and offer an ‘opinion’ they knew to be false, meaning they were attempting to influence our election, not Russia.

Though the Post’s reporting was spot-on, in recent days the same legacy media outlets that touted the ‘Russian disinformation’ lie have now ‘confirmed’ that the contents of Hunter’s laptop indeed are genuine, which is likely the beginning of the process to can Joe Biden who obviously has early-stage dementia and has to have everything that comes out of his mouth either ‘explained’ by his White House or walked back completely, which is unprecedented in our history.

That aside, Gaetz, a Florida Republican, now believes those dozens of intelligence officials should pay a professional price for their purposeful lie and 2020 election manipulation operation.

His “Spook Who Cried Wolf Resolution” seeks to strip all of them of their security clearances, which would dramatically impact their current ability to use that clearance to their financial advantage.

“On October 19, 2020, 51 former intelligence officials signed a letter titled, ‘Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails,’ which claimed Hunter Biden’s emails were a part of a ‘Russian information operation.’ Following the censorship of the New York Post’s exposé on the emails by Big Tech and media tycoons, the New York Times confirmed the legitimacy of the emails on March 17, 2022. As of March 22, 2022, 4 of the 51 signatories maintained their support for the erroneous letter,” said a press release touting the resolution, which also contained the names of the aforementioned former intelligence officials.

“The 51 signatories of the letter who publicly and falsely decried Hunter Biden’s laptop to be Russian disinformation should be barred from holding any level of security clearances indefinitely,” the resolution states, in part.

The resolution goes on to point out that the Post’s reporting began on Oct. 15, 2020, and that a few days afterward — 15 days before the Nov. 3 election — the letter was distributed and it was picked up by the legacy media, not the Post’s reporting. In fact, the Post’s reports were legitimately censored on all the major social media platforms, while Twitter locked the Post out of its account for weeks.

The resolution also notes that then-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe publicly discounted the letter and rebuked the intelligence officials who signed it, saying during an interview on Fox Business: ‘‘Hunter Biden’s laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign, and I think it’s clear that the American people know that.”

It’s clear that Americans can no longer trust their governing institutions because we no longer have ethical people running them.

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