
Firearms community rallies around Second Amendment Foundation

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Washington gun rights activists are rallying to support the Second Amendment Foundation for an upcoming challenge to a magazine ban.

A recently-passed magazine ban by Washington State’s Democrat-controlled Legislature, and the promise of a legal challenge by a national gun rights organization headquartered there, is bringing a sudden wave of support from the firearms community.

Grassroots gun rights activists—gun owners who are tired of seeing their rights eroded by billionaire-backed gun prohibition lobbying groups and anti-gun politicians—are rallying to support the Second Amendment Foundation. This is the organization responsible for the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in McDonald v. City of Chicago, which nullified the Windy City’s handgun ban and incorporated the Second Amendment to the states via the 14th Amendment. SAF’s forte is education and, more importantly, litigation. It has been in the courts where SAF has shined, winning challenges to local gun laws, forcing the Illinois Legislature to adopt a concealed carry package (after resisting for decades), and—by partnering with other gun rights groups—gradually chipped away at restrictions on constitutional grounds.

SAF’s popular slogan of “Winning Firearms Freedom One Lawsuit at a Time” resonates with its 700,000 members and supporters.

Members at the Washington Legislative Action Group are reacting to a post on the group’s Facebook page where one man declared, “A Life membership to the 2nd Amendment Foundation is only $150. How come you haven’t joined yet!??!”

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Evergreen State gun owners have been asking what SAF intended to do in response to the magazine ban legislation, which anti-gun Gov. Jay Inslee has previously indicated he would sign. News broke Tuesday SAF plans to challenge the ban in court, and the group is getting some heavy-duty support.

Brownells—the famous Iowa-based parts and accessories company—launched an effort it calls the Mag Dump for Washington. Through June 24, Brownells will donate $2 from the sale of each of its brand name 30-round AR-15 ammunition magazines to SAF for its upcoming court fight.

Alan Gottlieb

“We’re overwhelmed by this generous effort,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. “Heading into what promises to be a daunting legal battle, it’s both reassuring and humbling to know we’ve got support from Brownells.”

In an announcement, Brownells Chairman of the Board Pete Brownell explained, “Brownells provides the products Americans need to exercise their Second Amendment rights and freedoms. We’re proud to partner with groups like the Second Amendment Foundation to help fight for those rights and freedoms.”

SAF, which has been around for more than 40 years, sent an email fund-raising blast announcing its intention to sue over Senate Bill 5078, which bans the future sale and manufacture of magazines holding more than 10 rounds. It applies to rifles and pistols, while allowing Washington gun owners to retain ownership of so-called “large capacity magazines” they already own.

However, anti-gunners have typically worked on piecemeal erosions, and gun owners know it. While this legislation may allow them to keep possession of magazines they already own, one or two years down the road Democrats will come back for more, activists assume.

“It is essential that we secure a legal precedent protecting standard capacity magazines,” SAF says in its email. “A final pro-gun victory in this SAF legal case could set that precedent.”


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