Facebook ‘assures’ MRC’s Bozell no political censorship in ‘fake news’ effort — We’re not reassured
On Friday, Newsbusters posted a statement by MRC President Brent Bozell, who apparently spoke with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the site’s efforts to combat “fake news.” Bozell said Zuckerberg assured him there would be no targeting of political stories and the intent is to only go after “patently” fake stories.
Here’s Bozell’s statement as posted by Newsbusters:
I have been in communication with Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook since he announced their new ‘fake news’ initiative. I expressed grave concern with this decision and the liberal ‘fact-checking’ organizations Facebook has chosen. Mr. Zuckerberg assured me that his express aim is to eliminate only patently false news stories from Facebook. He underscored he has instructed these organizations to focus only on truly fake news and nothing of a political nature. I will accept in good faith his commitment to address our concerns on this matter. It is my hope this will be the last we say about this issue.
Unfortunately, I’m not reassured. At all.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Remember, this is the site that banned a conservative for complaining about Facebook censorship and censored a Reuters article about Facebook censorship.
The ban was lifted, but keep in mind this happened right after Facebook met with conservatives, including Bozell.
So in a nutshell, we have a left-wing social media site that banned yours truly over a picture of a US flag and issued repeated bans over manufactured “evidence” now deciding what’s “fake” using left-wing “fact checkers” funded in part by George Soros. And we’re supposed to believe there’s nothing to worry about?
Sorry, that Jedi mind trick just isn’t working this time.
In fact, what I’ve seen and personally experienced at the hands of Facebook’s moderators inspired this book, available at WND and Amazon.com.
Sorry, Mr. Zuckerberg, I and many others simply do not believe there’s nothing to worry about. And we don’t need Facebook or anyone else telling us what’s fake and what’s real.
- Group financed by George Soros to help Facebook’s ‘Ministry of Truth’
- Should conservatives consider economic sanctions in light of Facebook-Snopes partnership?
- Facebook: U.S. flag violates community standards, earns user 30-day ban
- Facebook: Page advocating murder of Donald Trump does not violate Community Standards
- Flashback: Facebook tells conservative user picture of lilac tree ‘pornographic’
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And if you’re as concerned about Facebook censorship as we are, go here and order this new book: