
Dr. Pierre Kory Discusses the Reason Why So Many Americans are Dying Early:

“Something Happened in the Middle of COVID that Thou Shalt Not Speak its Name” (VIDEO)

(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

AS previously stated, is not for nothing that Big Pharma’s Moderna has hired/deployed crooked FBI agents to police/censor online content re the poisonous covid vax.

INDEED, there should hardly be any need to, once again, pinpoint the manifold ways in which the FBI (and its FED/State appendages) manipulates every narrative meant to wage war on the American people — effectively, supporting the DemonRats/Deep State lies atop all else.

EVEN so, circling back to 2015 and moving forward is mandatory due diligence.

YES, countless other evidentiary trails can fill a book!

ALONGSIDE the above vile, treacherous trajectory — in preparation for locking down the nation ahead of 2024 — it is par for the course for the crooked FBI to take the lead, that is, vaccine-wise!

NOW that the horrific effects of covid have long been proven,

naturally, those intimately involved with the medical ins and outs of all of the above (and so much more) feel compelled to up the ante — exposing the full spectrum of the biggest crime in modern history!

♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

Screenshot: Gateway: Beyond the Headlines/VNN

GATEWAY PUNDIT | By Jim Hoft | December 15, 2023

In a recent op-ed featured in The Hill, Dr. Pierre Kory, the founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), has raised alarm bells over the increasing death rates among younger Americans, challenging the explanations provided by health authorities.

The issue came into the spotlight following a tweet from the FDA commissioner highlighting a significant decline in American life expectancy. The FDA chief attributed this trend to factors like smoking and poor diet. However, Dr. Kory vehemently disagrees, suggesting a more controversial cause related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is not being openly discussed.

Dr. Kory’s analysis, based on data from the Society of Actuaries, reveals a startling trend: while death rates among the elderly have decreased by 6% compared to pre-pandemic levels, deaths among younger age groups have surged dramatically. For instance, deaths among those aged 35 to 44 have increased by 26%, and for the 25 to 34 age group, the rise is 19% compared to pre-pandemic figures.

During a live telecast with Gateway: Beyond the HeadlinesVNN’s flagship show, Ivory Hecker sat down with Dr. Kory to delve into these alarming statistics.

In his interview with Ivory Hecker, Dr. Kory criticized health authorities’ lack of transparency and thorough investigation into these trends. He insinuates that something significant, possibly related to the COVID-19 pandemic and its management, could be driving these unexpected death rates.

“The FDA commissioner, when he’s highlighting these suddenly younger deaths, he is blaming smoking and bad diet as the cause. Do you agree with him?” Hecker asked.

“No, that’s ludicrous. I mean, smoking and bad diet did not suddenly just explode in the third quarter of 2021 and is continuing today. I mean, we see the spike. There’s a temporal association. Something happened in the middle of COVID that thou shalt not speak its name,” said Dr. Pierre Kory.

“But we have to get to the bottom of this. And they’re not helping. They’re not being transparent with the data. We have the data where we could definitively answer it, and it’s just not happening. And it’s terrible. I mean, the scale of dying is incredible. In the nine months, as I wrote in the op ed, in the nine months of this year, it’s like 158,000 Americans died more than expected. That’s more than all wars combined since Vietnam,” Dr. Kory added.

Hecker highlighted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had unexpectedly archived its excess deaths web page in the face of a “triple-demic” prediction this winter, raising questions about the decision’s timing and rationale.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, in his recent article, Dr. Kory reveals that the CDC announced recently it will no longer track the excess deaths associated with COVID-19 and the vaccine.

Why is that?

Pierre Kory MD posted this on Instagram:

After years of censorship, the media is finally allowing space for debate on COV– vacc– . People are dying in abnormally high numbers even as COVID wanes – why? Thanks @thehill for publishing my Op-Ed
with Mary Beth Pfeiffer investigating this trend.

Watch the interview below:

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