Counter Walkout for Second Amendment Rights at Woodgrove High School

Purcellville, Virginia – Loudoun Now reported that at Woodgrove High School, 28 students walked out of school for 50 minutes on Friday in support of 2nd Amendment rights. A handful of staff went with them to “make sure they were safe.”
Sporting “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and the American flag, the students were also attempting to raise money for a local nonprofit mental health organization, “Friends of Loundon Mental Health.” They raised $160.
One truck had a sign in the window that read: “We lose 123 people every day to suicide. The suicide rate for children age 10 to 14 doubled from 2007 to 2014. If you believe that there is a problem with society today but it is not a gun problem, Join us!”
The intent was clear. And it flew in the face of the underlying narrative of the “national school walkout.” The school’s assistant principal was unhappy about it. She said that there were other times during the day such as lunch or before or after school when students should protest in support of something.
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Hmmm…so in other words, it’s ok for students to be part of a leftist agenda, but not a Conservative one. Too late. They walked out anyway. The assistant principal threatened that any disruption of the school day would be met with “progressive disciplinary action.” It is unclear what action they will take against the 28 students who walked out.
“My purpose in saying this is so that you all have all the information you need to make an informed decision and choice. We need you to work with us through timely communication and discussion so that we can find opportunities that don’t disrupt the school day or instruction…We tried to keep the [National walkout] event as neutral as possible by supporting school safety in general. We understand that there are many issues of concern and you as students have rights and we want you to have a voice, but we can’t have a walkout for everything. Walking out of school during class disrupts the learning environment.” Christina Thompson, Assistant Principal
The problem was that the “walk out” was not “neutral” and never meant to be a show of support for the students and victims of the Parkland shooting. As we have seen in the last few days, nationally, the walkout was intended to use students to push a gun control narrative that many of them did not want.
This group of Woodgrove students, lead by organizer Nick Corbett, fought back in a walkout of their own with a solid idea behind it. They knew what they were walking out for, there was no question or confusion. There was no rioting or looting, no fighting or causing damage…they made their statement.
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children0
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