
Cartoon of the Day: Safe Space

Safe Space
Cartoon of the Day: Safe Space.

Cartoon of the Day: Safe Space.

A.F. Branco Cartoon—It appears it’s Deja vu all over again for the 2024 election, with some Lawfare thrown in for good measure. Biden will be well protected in his basement with bubble wrap.

Trump Says What We are All Thinking About Joe Biden’s 2024 Campaign Strategy

By Cristina Laila – Aug 19, 2023

President Trump on Saturday said what we are all thinking about Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign strategy.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“Just think of it! They (Crooked Joe Biden and his Thugs!) Indict me, and their whole campaign is that “Trump is Indicted.” Does that sound fair to anyone? Am I allowed to do such a horrible and unconstitutional thing if, and when, I win the Presidency? We are entering really dangerous territory!!!” Trump said Saturday afternoon. READ MORE…

Cross-posted with Comically Incorrect.  Used with permission.


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