
Greta Van Susteren SHREDS Biased Trump Judge Merchan For Violating SCOTUS In Jury Instructions

"They so desperately want to convict Trump, they are willing to break the law to do so."

It’s no secret that Judge Juan Merchan, the “judge” overseeing the Trump hush money trial for the DNC and the corrupt Biden Regime, is doing everything possible to ensure a conviction.  Even if he has to break the law to do so.

That’s not just me saying that.  It’s the opinion of people who have probably forgotten more about the law than I’ll ever know.

Case in point: Greta Van Susteren issued a tweet (with receipts) taking Merchan to task for his declaration that the jury doesn’t have to unanimously agree on whatever “predicate” crime Trump allegedly committed (even though the prosecutor never produced any evidence of any crime, nor did he even mention what crime Trump allegedly violated, besides beating Crooked Hillary Clinton in 2016 and being named Trump.).

But Van Susteren says the judge is flat out wrong.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

This is wrong-jury must be unanimous on every element (it can’t be 4 believe one predicate and 8 believe another); judge is wrong,” she said on Twitter/X.

And she backed up her statement by quoting the Supreme Court case of Richardson v. United States (1999), which spells it out so clearly that even a New York judge can understand it.  Heck, even someone who spreads propaganda at CNN or MSNBC can understand this.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott weighed in:

They so desperately want to convict Trump, they are willing to break the law to do so.”  Let that sink in.

They don’t give a tinker’s damn about the rule of law or anything other than convicting Trump — no matter what.

Exactly.  This is just one reason why the entire subversive evil Democrat Party must be completely obliterated in November’s elections.  A simple electoral victory is insufficient.  It must be absolutely buried.  America cannot survive with these creatures in office.

And no matter what happens, every single person involved in this Biden-connected lawfare campaign should be sued, disbarred, thrown in jail and run out of town on a rail, the way they used to do in the old days.

H/T Twitchy


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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