
Biden Pressing Israel Into Snatching Defeat From Jaws Of Victory

Lt. Col. James Zumwalt says U.S. demand regarding Rafah just emboldens Hamas

President Joe Biden just pressed Israel to pull back from its planned assault on Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah – believed to be the last Hamas stronghold. Accordingly, Israel has been left snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

In response to the Oct. 7, 2023, brutal massacre of mostly Israeli civilians by Hamas, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded with a ground war into Gaza that has inflicted heavy losses on the terrorist group and its Gaza infrastructure. Hamas’ freedom of movement had pretty much been limited to Rafah with Israel claiming to have dismantled 18 of the militant group’s 24 battalions. Flushing Hamas out of Rafah was a critical final step for Israel to complete its dismantling mission while simultaneously denying Hamas its goal, memorialized in its own charter, to destroy Israel.

However, continuing his success in making wrong foreign policy decisions, Biden told Israel the U.S. would view an invasion of Rafah as crossing a red line. Valuing American-Muslim and Israel-hating voters in the U.S. more than an Israeli victory, Biden threatened Netanyahu with consequences if he attacked Rafah. This effectively enabled a U.S. president, concerned more about winning the upcoming election than about preserving Israel’s security, to play to his supporters. But, by doing so, Biden resuscitates Hamas to commit a future Oct. 7-type raid into Israel.

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A sad commentary on Gaza is that a principle of warfare – i.e., that each side has a duty to protect its own citizens and to minimize the opposing side’s civilian losses – has been totally discombobulated by Hamas. The result is that the U.S. seeks to hold Israel responsible for Hamas’ irresponsibility.

In no conflict in history has one side taken such extreme measures as has Israel to minimize civilian casualties among an opposing side’s population, particularly as that opposing side has sought, both directly and indirectly, to maximize its own such casualties. Additionally, as evidenced by the Oct. 7 massacre, that opposing side has demonstrated no concerns for Israel’s civilian population. Ironically, the increasing tally of dead Palestinian civilians – the result of Hamas ignoring its duty to its people – thus is helping its cause.

So effective has Hamas become at this tactic that even a naive Jill Biden applied pressure on husband Joe to force Israel to halt its offensive. As an unelected official, Jill should have no impact upon U.S. foreign policy. However, as a pro-Hamas cheerleader who sleeps with the president, she obviously can exercise her influence in ways others cannot.

In selecting his course of action regarding Israel, Biden ignores advice given before a joint session of Congress in a most profound 1951 speech by retiring Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Having served his country for 52 years, he would have served longer had he not publicly disagreed with President Harry Truman on the conduct of the Korean War for which he was relieved of his command.

To this day, MacArthur remains the only general in history ever relieved of command and then to be invited to speak before Congress. Obviously, this was in recognition of a sharp military mind. Two points in particular made by MacArthur in that speech are of import today to Israel’s war effort in Gaza.

As a warrior, MacArthur had defeated America’s enemies on numerous battlefields. Such experiences had seared two interconnected learning points upon his military psyche:

  • MacArthur noted, “In war, there is no substitute for victory.” By this, he meant an enemy, suffering losses on the battlefield yet managing to avoid total defeat, has effectively achieved battlefield victory. With the possible Israeli reversal on Rafah, Hamas is already claiming victory. Like the Phoenix, it will arise from the ashes of its incomplete destruction, even more determined and capable than before, to seek ultimate victory. Thus, the most dangerous enemy is one who may have lost the battle but realizes he has not lost the war. Forcing Israel to stop short of the total destruction of Hamas or its unconditional surrender only enables the terrorist group to fight stronger another day.
  • The issue that had caused a falling out between MacArthur and Truman involved handling Red China’s entry into the Korean War after the general had successfully driven North Korean forces out of South Korea. Truman and his advisers chose not to take the war to China while MacArthur wanted to, lamenting, “They (Truman and his advisers) are blind to history’s clear lesson … with unmistakable emphasis that appeasement but begets new and bloodier war. It points to no single instance where this end has justified that means, where appeasement has led to more than a sham peace. …”

Today, MacArthur’s point about enemy appeasement strengthening its determination to achieve its goals is most applicable to Iran. This is especially so as Tehran admitted involvement in the October attack. A recent Israeli airstrike into Syria killed three senior members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – one of whom helped design and implement the attack. Already feeling emboldened, Tehran just warned the U.S. not to interfere should the mullahs take action against Israel for that airstrike. Such appeasement could prove deadly too as Tehran continues to pursue development of a nuclear arsenal.

Biden had the opportunity to embrace MacArthur’s sage advice – given by one who was an experienced warrior and Medal of Honor recipient. But, instead, Biden chose to embrace his own advice – that of one whom half a century earlier successfully avoided serving his country in uniform and, later, as our vice president, earned the descriptor of incompetency from a defense secretary, serving that administration, for being unable to make a single correct major foreign policy decision.

Sadly, a future generation of Israeli civilians will undoubtedly pay the ultimate price for Biden’s right, as president, to be wrong once again – this time by breathing new life into an Hamas terrorist group that will exact that price from Israel.

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The post Biden pressing Israel into snatching defeat from jaws of victory appeared first on WND.

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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