
Antifa Supporters: Because They Were Too STUPID to Learn History

This is what the left thinks of free speech. These useful idiot leftists fear sunlight like Dracula. Look at the eyes on the creature in the video below. He appears to be stoned and is calling everyone he doesn’t agree with a racist. After watching this neo-Communist for a while, I decided that the problem with these “anti-fascist” rats is that they didn’t get enough love at home, so they seek it from the ghost of Adolf Hitler.  Or Josef Stalin — either will do.

Watch the cameo of fanatics in this video and decide. Do you really think that they are NOT capable of mass murder for their cause? It is very difficult for peace-loving people to stay peaceful in the face of this lunacy. It is no accident that they are rearing their ugly heads after most of the World War II generation has gone. That generation would see through this stuff in a minute.

Remember Rwanda? Darker skinned blacks butchered nearly a million lighter skinned blacks in about a hundred days, because of the same kind of hatred the liberal cult has planted and nurtured in American blacks and naive American white liberals.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

That’s ten thousand a day, in a country a small fraction of the size of America. One big difference though is that in our case the minority has been programmed to hate the majority, while the opposite was done in Rwanda, but the liberal cult is on a mission to change that demographic, and is having much success.

So what is true for us is not likely to be true for our children and their children. I think a day will come when they ask why we allowed them to be betrayed.

Years ago, after my father passed, one of his brothers who somehow became a left-wing wing-nut told me, “You and your Dad were stupid to vote Republican.” This was an assumption on his part because I had never given him any indication I was a conservative. I countered his argument with reason. Since he also claimed to be a Christian, I asked him, “Do you really think God almighty is going to have mercy on your soul for supporting the murder of millions of innocent babies by abortion?” His reply was nothing short of lunacy. He said, “Just think how many million more babies will be in heaven now?”

Liberal lunacy justifying the systematic genocide of over 60 MILLION innocents, the overwhelming majority of which are African-American babies!

Yet the left-wing lunatic fringe call us “haters” for opposing their agenda! They also call us racists, yet we are fighting for the lives of millions more African-American innocents? What is wrong with you people? How blind and ignorant can you be?

I also recently had a conversation with an African-American co-worker who told me he thought if Jesus walked the earth today, he would be a Democrat. He also claimed to be a God-fearing Baptist.

Needless to say, I told him he was nuts and ended the conversation with a quote by Thomas Paine:

“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

Meet The Truth about GUN CONTROL.

Innocents Betrayed – The History of Gun Control – FULL LENGTH (58 Minutes)


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Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad
Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad – Source: Author (used with permission)


Jerry Emery

Gerald is a 66 year-old grandfather of 4, firmly committed to restoration of the American Republic through education of the ignorant. 30 years of revisionist historians have dumbed-down the millennial generation. History or the lack of it, will be the downfall of the millennial generation unless our generation steps up and re-educates the illiterate, ignorant public. This revisionist history is intentional, part of the Marxist model. Over half of the Democrats in our nation's Congress are in reality registered Communists. This shall not prevail as long as I can do something about it.

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