New polling conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania reportedly revealed that “over a third of Americans “might be willing” to abolish the Supreme Court altogether or at least “permit Congress to limit its power if it were to issue rulings either they or Congress disagree with.”
As observed by someone reacting to the report, “there are an immense number of people that obviously failed Civics.”
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land and is the top tier of the Judiciary, a separate but equal branch of the U.S. government. It is not subordinate to Congress (Legislative branch), nor to the Executive Branch (the President). People who lose at the Supreme Court can be crybabies all they want, but just because a ruling is handed down “they disagree with” does not justify tearing down the institution.
Another reader reacted by observing, “Thankfully we have Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution and it would likely take a revolution to alter that.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
A third reader chimed in, “I’d be willing to bet a large sum of money that every single one of these people are progressive liberals. The elevated level of estrogen in this demographic turns them into infantiles.”
The survey found 34 percent of respondents telling researchers “It might be better to do away with the court altogether,” according to the Annenberg report.
The story alluded to a Gallup survey last month that found the Supreme Court having a 40 percent approval rating, described as “a new low.” In July, the high court rated 49 percent approval.
Speaking of Gallup, according to the polling firm, “Americans’ opinions of the Democratic Party have fallen slightly from an elevated level this year, and more again view the party unfavorably (55%) than favorably (43%). Meanwhile, 56% have an unfavorable view of the Republican and 40% a favorable one.”
Gallup said the decline for Democrats may be at least partly due to Joe Biden’s loss of popularity among independents.
“The party’s favorable image is also down mostly among independents, from 48% in January to 35% in the current poll,” Gallup reported. “As might be expected, Democrats’ (92% favorable) and Republicans’ (5% favorable) opinions of the Democratic Party are essentially unchanged, from 94% and 4%, respectively, in January.”
And, for a second day in row, Rasmussen Reports has bad news for Biden. According to Rasmussen, 64 percent of likely voters think the country has become more divided since the 2020 election, while only 11 percent think the U.S. is more united.
“Fifty-three percent (53%) of voters say Biden has done a poor job in terms of his campaign promise to unite Americans,” Rasmussen said Tuesday. “Only 30% rate Biden as doing an excellent or good job in uniting the country.”
Biden, Congress doing poorly, say opinion polls
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