
Paul Ryan Challenged the World on Rubio’s Amnesty Plan…Ann Coulter Accepts

BnZlv7eCEAATQ1cIn 2013, Paul Ryan, one of the most amnesty-supporting RINOs in Congress, challenged anyone to debate him on the immigration bill, written by Marco Rubio and liberals in the Senate.  That surprised me because Ryan is a pretty poor debater, having lost badly to Joe Biden in the vice presidential debate in 2012.  At the time I wrote that article I was attacked badly, but as people look back they now agree with my assessment.  Ann Coulter has now accepted his challenge, but I’d almost be willing to bet he refuses the challenge.  Coulter is no Biden.  She engages her brain before speaking.

Here is the complete debate between Biden and Ryan:

Coulter told talk radio host Howie Carr to place the call and she will debate him right there on his radio show.  No doubt Carr will make the call.  It would boost his ratings but don’t look for Ryan to accept, even though his website still has the challenge posted.  Ryan is being boosted by the Chamber of Commerce and every RINO and wino in the country.  He was instrumental in John Boehner’s capitulation to Obama in the budget battles and on immigration.  With Ryan as Speaker the chances of amnesty for all will go up significantly.

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Coulter said that Ryan is not the only intellectual lightweight in the republican party and that all of the party’s backward thinkers are supported by the media elite.  She suggested a true intellectual like Rep. Dave Brat (Brat has a conservative rating of 100% and has a B.A. in Business, his Master’s Degree in Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, and his Ph.D in economics from American University).

Coulter mentions Marco Rubio and Kevin McCarthy as other intellectual lightweights:

[Kevin McCarthy is] a complete abject moron. Have you heard him talk? And what I’ve noticed about our guys is that we do have a lot of smart guys. They all happen to be the ones that don’t want the Republican party to commit suicide by continuing our current immigration policies. I mean, it’s [smart] guys.

We have some smart guys and they’re the ones that were opposing Kevin McCarthy for perfectly sound policy reasons. I hate this stuff about…  “the shut down caucus,” and the Freedom Caucus… no, the issue is immigration. This is the litmus test… And the smart ones are all on the anti-immigration side, the stupid ones–being promoted by the media because that’s their left wing, anti-American agenda–are the stupid ones they can push around like Kevin McCarthy, like Marco Rubio… If they’re dumb, they’re pro-amnesty, they’re beloved by the media, so they get pushed forward, “Oh, they’re the Young Guns and look at these smart guys. Why, gosh we’re so afraid for Democrats. They want to tinker with social security,” –but they’ll pass amnesty and then the entire country is finished.

I would watch this debate even if it was on Pay Per View.


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