Message of anti-Trump hate at Univ. of Michigan: ‘Kill ’em all’

Dontcha just love the tolerant left? On Wednesday, MLive reported that someone — presumably a left-wing Trump hater — spray-painted “Kill ’em all” and “F**k America” on a public rock at the University of Michigan after the election of President-elect Donald Trump. The messages of liberal “tolerance” were next to depictions of an elephant and donkey in red, white and blue paint.
Painting on rock at corner of Hill and Washtenaw says "Kill Em All" with what appears to be logos for both political parties @michigandaily
— Alyssa La’Dawn (@alyssaladawn) November 9, 2016
Later in the day, Darcy Moran said, about 15 people gathered at the rock to change the message to “Love ’em all.”
Michigan Daily added:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
As of Wednesday evening, it was unknown who is responsible for the messages, but many students said they believed they were a reaction to Tuesday’s election results. Both Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and President-elect Donald Trump are two of the most unpopular candidates in history, and Trump has faced heavy criticism for rhetoric about Muslims, immigrants, women and other minority groups.
“I feel like if this is such a pivotal moment for our country we should be coming together as a community rather than tearing each other down like this,” LSA sophomore Makenzi Cochran said.
According to the Daily Caller, the university saw substantial protests as dozens of students gathered to chant “Pu**y grabs back” and “Not my president,” among other things.
Here’s a short video of campus liberals repeating bumper-sticker slogans like good brainwashed sheep:
Since Tuesday’s historic election, liberals across the country expressed a desire to murder Trump and those who support him. Many took to Twitter with calls to kill Trump and his supporters and several GoFundMe pages were established to fund the assassination of Trump.
Those pages were torn down after our exclusive report Wednesday morning.
In February 2011, I first said that liberalism, at its core, is an ideology of rage and hate. Sadly, liberals prove that assertion correct on just about any given day.
- Liberalism remains an ideology of genocidal hate and rage
- GoFundMe pages advocate murdering Donald Trump
- Boston graffiti: ‘Kill your local Trump supporter’
- Twitter explodes with calls to murder Trump, supporters
- Liberals Gone Wild: Protests, flag burnings, Trump hung in effigy
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