Hero Who Saved Blind Student From Bully Suspended, Kicked Off Football Team

Call it yet more proof that in today’s America, evil is good and good is evil. At Huntington Beach High School, a bully was beating up on a child who is legally blind, when another student saw what was happening. He decked the bully with one punch, then went to make sure the victim was all right. He then turned back to the attacker and asked:
“You trying to jump a f***ing blind kid, bro? What the f*** is your problem?”
As a reward for his quick actions to save the handicapped boy, the school rewarded him with a suspension and threw him off the football team. No, seriously, they did. Said the principal:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
“We must take firm action if we want him to grow up just like our president and back down to every bully he runs into. Bullies are people, too.”
No, he didn’t really say that but that’s the message this punishment sends. A zero tolerance policy must never stop the strong from protecting the weak. That young man could have been even more seriously hurt or worse. And the unidentified hero did not go overboard. One punch is all it took. Here is the video:
The bully was arrested but police said the kid that intervened will not face action. That’s OK, the school is taking care of that part. The authorities being liberals, did what liberals always do and that is to protect the villains in society while vilifying the virtuous. But like liberals, they were shocked when others did not pat them on the back and invite them for coffee and a kumbaya fest.
Students have drawn up a petition and have already garnered over 1,000 signatures demanding the student be reinstated both to the school and the football team. They are now desperately seeking a way to save face.
The district put out the following statement:
“The school is now responding to this isolated incident by interviewing students and witnesses to determine exactly what happened. Additionally, the school is working with local authorities to define the appropriate actions necessary once all of the information is collected.”
“Huntington Beach High School firmly believes that all students are afforded an opportunity to learn in a safe and secure environment. Because of this, safety is the highest priority,’ the statement said. ‘Huntington Beach High School has a very strong anti-bullying code of conduct and will not condone this type of behavior from any student.”
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