
Jamie Glazov Productions Features: ‘BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad’

Dedicated readers of this site (with millions more becoming familiarized with its underlying basis, as it speeds across the internet like a house on fire) are aware of the recent release of my book, BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad. Joe Newby is my distinguished co-author.

In this regard, a decision was made (for what can best be described as a security related reason…let’s just leave it at that) that he would be the point person for radio and face-time interviews. A sampling can be found here and here….scroll to the 39:12 mark at the latter link, and listen to the interview at the (politically) hard-hitting Josh Bernstein Show.

Joe Newby is doing a fantastic job. So far, so good.

In this regard, his latest interview (November 1, 2016) with powerhouse Jamie Glazov (from Jamie Glazov Productions) requires little introduction. He is a well-known champion of freedom, working with patriots and counter-jihadists on the front lines. Said freedom fighters are struggling to beat back leftists and Islamists within America and the west at large. This grappling – to fend off a totalitarian choke and strangle hold on the nation – has been ongoing for decades. However, at this moment in time, it is reaching its climax. Vise-grip. Newby’s most recent interview is featured at Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch and TRUTH REVOLT too. Onward and upward. Strength to strength.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

On its face, it is an ideological war (which may very well turn into an actual physical battle) between the left – via its romance with tyranny and terror – vis-à-vis patriots, who, by and large, are freedom-based liberty seekers. Glazov is one of its stalwarts.

Thus, without further ado….


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