
Ivanka highlights her kids growing up at White House

The Marines have landed. (Ivanka Trump Instagram)
The Marines have landed. (Ivanka Trump Instagram)

Ivanka shares pics of her kids with the American people…

Arguably not since the Camelot days of John and Jackie Kennedy have children so conspicuously had the run of the White House grounds.

But now that the Kushners are living across the street at Blair House, it’s a safe bet that Arabella, Joseph and Theodore will be staples at the Executive Mansion.

As reported by UPI, three-year-old Joseph has been caught mugging for the camera while waiting for Marine One to land (see photo below).

Annie Martin of the UPI also noted;

[mrs. kushner’s] elder son was captured making faces Friday in the White House.

Joseph Kushner, the 3-year-old son of [the Kushners], was spotted blowing raspberries in the Oval Office.

Joseph is the third-eldest grandchild of president Donald Trump. The toddler and his sister were later photographed on a walk with the president before he took off for South Carolina and Florida.

The elder First Daughter has also been busy sharing photos and videos of her children growing up since relocating to Washington, DC from New York City.




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