COMPLICITY can comprise various moving parts and levels via direct and indirect components. This is the case, even if some of them do not meet the exactitude of standards which are required in a court of law. However, said precise legalistic measurements aren’t mandatory, at least when invoking the judgment, the verdict, if you will, of the court of public opinion. Far from it.
SO while most of us have lost hope that HUSSEIN Obama (chief surrogates alike) will be held to account through the application of the law – despite his clear nexus to treasonous actions – it doesn’t absolve those of us with megaphones from recording his crimes for time immemorial. To the contrary, it obligates us.
AND it is along the same bloody minefield(s) that other western leaders enter the fray, chiefly, Frau Merkel.
AS foreseen, Europe is now on fire. Raging. Indeed, some of us forewarned: yes, blood-soaked explosions will ensue, sooner than later. Regardless, the deaf, dumb, and blind preferred to mock the few who publicly predicated, and almost to an exactitude, what has come to pass.
AND as tempting as it is to rub many noses in their (dirt of) denial, there is little time to do so. Duty calls.
IN this regard, hot on the heels of back-to-back militant Islamic jihadi attacks in Germany (aside from explosions all over France), along comes another, this time, a suicide bomb attack in Ansbach. Oh well.
AT LEAST 12 people have been injured after a Syrian asylum seeker blew himself up outside a wine bar in Germany.
The attack took place in Ansbach, near Nuremburg, after the 27-year-old was denied access to the nearby Ansbach Open music festival, according to Germany’s interior minister Joachim Herrmann.
Herrmann said the suspect, who was known to police, had lived in Germany for two years but was denied asylum in the country a year ago.
The suspect, named locally as Mohammed Deleel, pledged allegiance to Islamic State (ISIS) in a video found on his mobile phone.
MIND you, suicide bombing is a signature hallmark of jihadi terror, and it is their preferred method of choice. Yes, said tactic is very popular with Islamists in Israel, as the following gory listing details. Resultant, is it premature to state: they too are now (Jewish) Israelis!
IN any event, par for the jihadi course, Islamists are Allah-bent on torturing infidels, even in their mourning. Screaming “Allahu Akbar”, as Germans gathered to pay their respects to those gunned down at a German shopping mall, their incitement is unquenchable. Alas, when will westerners scream their own war cries, rallying: enough is enough!!
BUT we are not done yet. In fact, before we expose Germany’s Islamic plague even further, let’s take a break and head over to France. Not long after Nice exploded on July 15, 2016, can anyone guess what else happened? Hint: what is (one of) their favorite “sport”?
WELL, another centuries-long, Koran sanctioned, act of jihad is the “art” of beheading. So how many heard via the PC media about a priest in Normandy, France who was beheaded? If not, time to catch up to speed.
Father Jacques Hamel, 86, was reportedly beheaded after two knife-wielding terrorists crept into a 9am Catholic mass in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, in Normandy, France, near Rouen, Thursday morning, according to The Sun.
ISIS supporters are celebrating the horrific attack at the church which was reportedly on a terrorist ‘hit list’ which it is claimed French police have known about since April 2015 – following the arrest of an extremist in Paris last year.
One of the unidentified hostages is said to be “fighting for their life” in a local hospital, The Sun reported.
The terrorists repeatedly yelled, “Allahu Akbar” during the attack, according to Sky News.
BACK to Germany.
NOW, who would believe that the ever “efficient” German authorities have no idea with whom they are dealing, in so far that the nation’s body count keeps rising due to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists? In fact, their foreign intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst, is considered number six in the world. Hmm. Its domestic arm, The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution(Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV), is equally adept at sniffing out domestic threats. So what gives?
WELL, since Merkel has tasked the government to overrun Germany (threatening the rest of Europe to fall in line) with “refugees” (for numerous political/financial reasons), its agencies have been relegated to chasing their tails, so to speak. Effectively, they are in denial-mode, or so it would seem.
Two Syrian refugees committed acts of terror in different Bavarian towns Sunday, July 24, the third and fourth violent attacks in Germany in less than a week. One Syrian, a 21-year old, used a machete to murder a pregnant woman in Reutingen near Stuttgart. He was arrested – but only after a motorist saw him attacking two more people and ran him down. Local police assured the populace that there was nothing more to fear since the attack arose from a private quarrel between the Syrian man and a female colleague at work.
This did not explain why the attacker went on to stab another two victims.
That night, in Ansbach, southwest of Nuremberg, a second Syrian refugee of 27 – denied asylum in Germany a year ago but allowed to stay – was refused entry to a three-day summer popular music festival when he aroused the suspicions of guards at the gate. They let him go without asking to search his rucksack. He then went straight to a nearby wine bar and detonated the device he was carrying, injuring 12 people, three of them seriously.
The Bavarian authorities initially attributed the explosion to a gas leak. But then the mayor’s office confirmed it was a deliberately detonated device. The 2,500 music fans were sent home and the event was canceled.
Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann first tried explaining that the Syrian blew himself up in protest at being turned away from the festival.
Only later, on Monday, did the minister tell reporters that he could not exclude the possibility of an Islamist-inspired attack. He said investigators would work tirelessly to investigate the attack and fully understand the man’s motives.
But Hermann also said that the Syrian bomber had tried to commit suicide twice before and was confined to an institution. It was not clear, he said, if he had planned to kill only himself or “take others with him into death.” This suggested that the putative music lover was also a mental case, which sounded much like the snap diagnosis offered by German officials after the Munich mall mass-killer murdered nine people on Friday, July 22.
The first of the four attacks was carried out by a 17-year old refugee from Afghanistanexactly a week ago on July 18. Wielding an ax and a knife, he wounded eight people on a train near Wuerzbuerg, not far from Munich, before he was shot dead by police.
Although an ISIS flag was found in his room and the Islamic State claimed the Afghan axeman as “one of its soldiers,” the Bavarian interior minister said only, “There may be an Islamic background to this but that is far from clear at this point.”
But the Bavarian police have insisted that neither Sunday’s machete attack nor Friday’s shooting in Munich bore any sign of connections with Islamic State or other terrorist groups.
Some puzzling questions remain unanswered about the slaughter of nine people by the Iranian-German 18-year old Ali Sonboly at the Munich mall Friday – firstly, was he alone? After viewing aerial photos and maps of the scene at the Olympia Einkaufszentrum mall, many counterterrorism experts infer that he was not the only shooter.
They also find it hard to believe that a 9mmGlock pistol could have produced the scale and power of gunfire described by multiple witnesses.
The only motive officially ascribed to Sonboly was an obsession with mass murder and the claim that he too was receiving psychiatric treatment.
Connecting these attacks in a single week of violence links the German state of Bavaria to a triangle of terror (see attached map) along with the Nice, France atrocity on July 14, which left 84 dead, and the under-reported attempt by four Arab-speakers to kidnap a British Royal Air Force officer at the Marham air base in Norfolk on July 20.
They add up to 6 violent attacks in 12 days, averaging one terrorist episode every two days in Europe.
But Germany stands out as refusing to admit to a reign of terror, partly because of the fallout generated for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy for masses of distressed refugees.
But the damage is not just political. German authorities recently admitted that while accepting a million refugees, 130,000 failed to register at the special reception centers and have dropped out of sight.
No one can tell how many terrorists are among them and what violence they are plotting. Instead of burying their heads in the sand, German security authorities need to hurry up and devise counter-measures in good time to head off the mounting threat.
IT gets worse.
RECALL, the MSM’s reportage on the mall massacre tried to Allah-wash his heritage. Even more so, the NY Times had this to add:
He had been bullied at more than one school. He played violent video games, and developed a fascination with mass shootings. He kept a copy of the German edition of “Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters,” a study by an American academic psychologist, and he was treated for psychiatric problems.
OKEY dokey. If they say so….
BUT what if the entire story was a put-up German job, fabricating Ali Sonboly’s Iranian heritage, thus, making it a Shiite massacre, as opposed to a Sunni one? The uninitiated will ask: what difference does it make? A whole damn lot.
THE fact is that Iranians are just as adept at jihadi slaughter as their Sunni counterparts, and that’s hardly newsworthy. On the other hand, it is also a fact that Merkel’s pets are Sunni, most of whom are “refugees” from Syria and Turkey. You know, the country where Erdogan, a mobbed-up Brotherhood Mafia leader, is busy purging the country for full-on Islamic rule! Again, as predicted by this investigative journalist several years ago.
WHICH brings us to what smacks of a cover-up, and why the so-called Iranian is looking more and more like a Syrian. Indeed, one who is deeply intertwined with the Turkish jihadi community to boot! As always, Facebook’s jihadis tell the tale…
Sonboly is no Iranian. He is Syrian. His Facebook page showed that he is pro Turkey’s Islamists. That, plus he had a record with the Interpol and was being watched. He is also not a teenager as they show us, but an adult as videos showed. What the reader should conclude after reading is this: why is the eye witnesses account (which is substantiated by material evidence) contradicts media reports (which provide zero evidence that we can verify, just government claim)….continue reading…
YES, the (missing) pieces are falling into place.
MOST significantly, in the same manner in which HUSSEIN Obama wouldn’t “identify” the whys and wherefores of the latest (and every other one) militant Islamic terror attack in Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub, refusing to utter “Islamic terrorism”, so too Merkel’s regime is complicit, overtly and covertly, in all the ensuing slaughter.
BUT if one is more of a numbers person, in just the first half-year of 2016 – and with Islamic rampages raging across the globe – guess how many Syrian militant Islamic jihadis entered the U.S.? 6,726, that’s how many.
MORE than complicit, as they aid and abet!
- U.S., Israeli flags burned at DNC convention, protesters chant ‘intifada’
- Dem. congressman compares Jewish settlers to termites
- French priest beheaded, nun fighting for her life; ISIS takes credit
- Delusional: John Kerry claims refrigerators, air conditioners as big a threat as ISIS
- ISIS terrorists cut five-year-old boy in half
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