
Hillary Sent Classified Email to Civilian Whose Account Was Hacked

cared HIn what has to be one of the sharpest blows to Hillary Clinton’s ever-changing account of why she broke federal laws on confidential information, it was revealed yesterday that she sent at least one classified email to civilian Sidney Blumenthal, whose email was hacked and published in newspapers.

It seems that according to State Department rules, some information is born classified.  Any information that comes from foreign government agents is considered classified as soon as it’s said.  Reuters, in a rare display of honest journalism, has revealed that Hillary sent at least 17 classified emails even as she denies ever emailing even one.

Reuters has found 30 emails from 2009 alone that bear the markings signifying that the email was classified.  Seventeen of those, she shared with others, including at least one to Sidney Blumenthal, who was not even in government, having been barred by Barack Obama.

Their investigation found that information marked “foreign government information” is classified from birth.  Many of those emails will be released but heavily redacted.  Those emails will have code 1.4(b), denoting that the information contained within is  “foreign government information”.

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