
A Day Without a Woman Strike Planned, Gains a Supporter

A Day Without a Woman Strike Planned, Gains a SupporterThe protest against the election of President Trump continues and does not seem to end with the latest craziest idea to ever come about where a Day without a Woman Strike has been planned, protesting supposedly neglected women’s rights.

Their goal appears to be to not work, do nothing [sit at home I suppose], not purchase anything in order to bring President Trump down.

Due to the women’s strike, an unlikely supporter, Conservative Michelle Malkin said that she supports the strike.

Malkin said, “The Women’s March strike organizers have a supporter that might surprise them, but just not for the same reasons a day without seeing these nasty wimmin wearing vulvas on their heads sounds HEAVENLY. Can they make the “general strike” a month? A year?”,.

“After their last eventful vagina hat outing in January, the Women’s March seems to be hard at work on yet another “protest,” however calling this one a STRIKE. Because nothing says women should be paid as much as their male counterparts as not showing up for work… Yeah, that’ll show ’em, “said Malkin.


The unknown organizer of this day of no women, and their supporters interestingly enough are also calling for Trump’s choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos [a woman by the way] to be denied mainly because Devos supports private and charter schools, which to this group is a no holds barred issue.

These leftist women are also against Devos for her deeply held religious beliefs and for her support for allowing children in underperforming public schools to attend religious schools that infuse religion and moral values into classroom instruction.

The strike comes on the heels after a large scale plan to not go to work by liberals, anarchists, and socialists on February 17 in their protest against President Trump.

The anarchists are also revealing companies that sell Trump family products, in an apparent effort to hurt businesses and put people out of work.

One anarchist, a Democratic Socialist, Christopher Ray said, “Find a business to boycott! Here is a list of places that sell trump family products!”

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Fmr. Sgt, USAF Intelligence, NSA/DOD; Studied Cryptology at Community College of the Air Force

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