
Chelsea O’Donnell Reveals Truth About Pot Smoking Mom Rosie

rosie-o-donnell-daughterRosie O’Donnell’s daughter, Chelsea O’Donnell, who allegedly ran away from home, has finally spoken out.  She claims that she didn’t run away from home and that she was thrown out of the house by her mother.  She claims that two weeks before her birthday, O’Donnell threw her out of the house, saying:

“Rosie said that I was almost 18, and she got all this crap from work, and she didn’t want to have to deal with that at home too.”

Chelsea says that her mom is a phony and that when they are out, O’Donnell takes on a very different persona than she displays at home:

“I find her not genuine a lot of the time.  When we’d go out, she was a completely different person in public than at home and I had a hard time with that. It’s like two different people.”

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“She has this public persona; she will put this big smile on her face and try to be funny. She would always go up to people and want to hold their babies in public. She had this happy, friendly side to her.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “Whereas when we were home, even if it was on the same day, she would either just be in her room, not engaging with us, or watching documentaries. And if we didn’t want to do what she wanted to do, it would cause a big issue.”

Chelsea also claims that her mother drinks and smokes pot all the time.  She did say that O’Donnell doesn’t smoke in front of the kids, but that the smell throughout the house is very clear:

“She would drink beer when we were growing up but after her heart attack she couldn’t. Now I think she drinks wine. I mean, she smokes weed – not around us – but the whole house smells like it.”


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