
Cartoon of the Day: WarRoom vs FakeNews

WarRoom FakeNews
Cartoon of the Day: WarRoom vs FakeNews.

Cartoon of the Day: WarRoom vs FakeNews

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Steve Bannon is continuously under attack by the Fake News legacy media CNN, MSNBC, etc. accusing him of being racist and a Nazi when in reality, he is exposing them, Biden, and his deep-state apparatus for their corruption.

It’s Obama… The New York Times Admits Obama is Running the Deal — Steve Bannon Weighs In on What We Already Knew (VIDEO)

The fake news New York Times said the quiet part out loud today.

Steve Bannon has made bold claims regarding Barack Obama’s involvement in efforts to undermine former President Donald Trump.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

According to Bannon, a recent New York Times article by Katie Rogers provides groundbreaking insight into Obama’s behind-the-scenes activities, suggesting a direct link between Biden and current actions against Trump. READ MORE…

Cross-posted with Comically Incorrect.  Used with permission.


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