
BRINGING DOWN AMERICA: Cutting Off Its Roots Via Four Thrusts. What Are They?

AKIN to termites, Marxist/socialist/communist revolutionaries – six of one, half a dozen of another – bore within. They are laser-focused on their ultimate goal, that is, the TOTAL destruction of America. Regardless of how long it takes, this is the absolute case. Readers, do not ever doubt this. Ever.

YES, akin to Islamists – even it takes a hundred years, give or take a few – nothing will stand in their way to tear down America. So whereas one is red-bent on transforming the nation into the Socialist States of America, the other is Allah-bent on replacing it with the Shariah States of America

STILL yet, left hanging in the air, the question remains: since their outlooks appear to be wholly divergent, why exactly do they, at times, operate in tandem and lock arms? Well, very simply, this is where the Arabian adage takes root: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Simple as that. Evil on its face.

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IN this regard, it makes strategic sense for the aforementioned enemies of the nation to bring down America within the same four basic thrusts, albeit, their methods vary according to divergent outlooks. No matter, since the end result will be the same, if not stopped in their tracks!


AT its base, tearing down the traditional family is key and core. So much so, knocking down DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) became a central plank for Obama Inc. In other words, once the family is no longer a factor, well, not only can it be re-configured this and that way, it makes it that much easier to eventually transfer custodianship of the kiddies to the powers that be! You know, that lying clap-trap of a mantra: “it takes a village.” O RLY?

YES, the major obstacle – the traditional household of a male and female as parental role models – must be deemed “abnormal.” Gone.


MORE specifically, Americans who attempt to protect their Christian (and Judeo) heritage are taken to task and threatened with criminal action via anti-Constitutional so-called legal mechanisms. Not only that, the kiddies are threatened with criminal action alike, if they dare to express any allegiance to Christianity by sharing Bible verses with friends at school! Unconscionable. Has America’s leadership gone mad? Rhetorical.

A public school in California ordered a 7-year-old boy to stop handing out Bible verses during lunch – and they dispatched a deputy sheriff to the child’s home to enforce the directive.

“This is a clear, gross violation of the rights of a child,” said Horatio Mihet, a Liberty Counsel attorney representing the first-grader who attends Desert Rose Elementary School in Palmdale. They are also representing his parents, Christina and Jaime Zavala.

Here’s the back story:

Mrs. Zavala made it a practice of including a Bible verse and encouraging note in her son’s lunch bag. The boy would tell his friends about the note and read them aloud at the lunch table.

It wasn’t long before children asked for copies of the notes and Mrs. Zavala obliged – including a brief note to explain the daily Bible verse.

On April 18 a teacher called Mrs. Zavala and said her son would no longer be able to share the Bible verses because he was “not allowed to share such things while at school.”

Liberty Counsel said the school would only allow the child to distribute the Bible verses outside the school gate – after the bell rang.

They say the teacher told Mrs. Zavala that her son “could no longer read or share Bible verses or stories at lunch” – citing “separation of church and state.”

So, Mr. and Mrs. Zavala complied with the school’s clearly unconstitutional edict…..continue reading the Orwellian truth….

MIND you, this is the same California which is in the process of criminalizing any SPEECH which goes against “climate change.” Okey dokey. 

INHERENTLY, uplifting America’s religious underpinnings is viewed as a grave obstacle by officialdom, hence, punishable. On the other hand, these same red revolutionaries do not see any threat, at least when it comes to Islam’s continuous and dangerous thrust. How can this be?


IT gets worse. The indoctrination and penetration of America’s educational system continues apace via two thrusts: Islamizing the kiddies from Common Core’s directives – concomitantly, stripping them of Judeo-Christians beliefs – and “desensitizing” them against core traditional American values from the red side. Hence, the putsch towards “transgender” bathrooms, and the “normalization” of that which seeks to bring down the traditional family, and with all its inherent implications.  


AND herein intersects the fourth deconstruction: the stars and stripes are no longer welcome within corporate America (even on Memorial Day!), increasingly, by officialdom’s edicts alike! 

When Allen Thornwell lowered his employer’s American flag to half-staff on Memorial Day, he says he did not think to ask permission or consider the possibility that he had done anything wrong.

Instead, the 29-year-old former Marine, who served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, says he was thinking about his country, the meaning of the holiday and his best friend, Geoff, another Marine who killed himself two years ago after returning stateside.

On Tuesday, Thornwell was fired. A manager at the placement service that arranged the vet’s job at Time Warner Cable in Charlotte, North Carolina told him that the company was disturbed by Thornwell’s “passion for the flag and (his) political affiliation.” 

Thornwell also took his outrage to Facebook, naming Time Warner and posting a video. Contacted this week, Thornwell said he remains in shock over what happened. “I’m not even mad right now,” he says. “I don’t know what kind of moral compass you need to fire a veteran on Memorial Day for lowering the flag.”

A Time Warner Cable spokesman confirmed Friday that the former Marine “was no longer under contract” with the company but declined further comment.

Charlotte attorney Murph Archibald, whom Thornwell called after the incident, says his client should have never lost his job.  “It’s disgraceful,” says Archibald, a Vietnam vet. “He didn’t do anything wrong. He’s a veteran working on Memorial Day who corrected what he thought was a disrespectful flying of the American flag … I would have taken it down myself.”

Today, fewer than 1 percent of Americans wear a uniform. “Not only do the vast majority not serve, but they don’t really know anybody who does,” says Woodbridge, editor of the monthly Marine Corps Gazette.

Thornwell attributes his behavior to deeper emotions he felt throughout the day about his country, his dead friend and his own service. For the first time in his life, he says, he understood the true meaning of Memorial Day, and he felt it, too. Now he needs a job.

BLOOD boiling. Bastards. Reprobates – Time Warner Inc!


IN the main, the tactics which Cloward-Piven (Columbia U’s anti-American profs, may they rot in hell for eternity) designed and instructed decades ago – in order to destroy the fabric of the nation – are alive and well. They are ongoing for decades, much more so than most recognize, even those who think they know what’s what.

NOT only that, the core distinction between today’s revolutionary leftists and their Islamist counterparts is that the red side opted (only after some hard lessons were learned by the Weathermen and Black Panthers – both of which earned the designation of domestic terror groups – when they recognized that blowing things up, committing robberies, and even assassinations were not going to change the nation’s course), for the most part, to bore within and undermine the basic fabric of America. They have been wildly and widely successful. 

ON the other hand, Islam’s barbarians are very much invested in their dual-prong approach. Yes, while this site is rife with evidence of stealth jihad – that which documents the many insidious methods which Allah’s Muslim Terrorists utilize to destroy the miserable (American) house from within – the fact remains that both frontal and stealth methods of jihad have been ongoing for well over two decades, albeit, much of it under the radar. Even so, most are fearful of this and that outright jihadi attack, hardly paying attention to the continuous stealth within. GRAVE error.

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

CONCLUSIVELY, patriots can’t fight back against that which they can’t identify. Indeed, it is akin to chasing ghosts. Thus, it is VERY strongly advised to keep a hyper-vigilance upon one’s local entry points which accommodate their boring from within. Besides, would rational folks allow marauding thieves to remain unmolested in their communities? Intrinsically, in order to take back America, one has to faithfully invest in a course of action, aka a plan of attack. 

BOTTOM LINE: it is recognized that fighting back on the national level is decidedly overwhelming. Understood. On the other hand, the most decisive course of action is usually most effective within ones community and state. 

TO recap:

  • A laser eye must remain focused on local schools for Islamic indoctrination. Once identified, it must be halted in its tracks
  • Thrusts against the traditional family must be fought with zero tolerance.
  • Aspersions on Judeo-Christian underpinnings must be viewed as a blow against the basic foundation of America. Period.
  • Any offenses pointed toward the national flag must be met with the fiercest resistance.
  • The above is hardly exhaustive, but should serve as a guidepost and template for those who are serious about saving America.

IF seriously undertaken – perhaps with patriotic community vanguards at the ready – both enemies within will understand that whatever pressure points they bring to bear will be met with the fiercest of opposition – whatever it takes!

BESIDES, what is the alternative??


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