
Allah’s Barbarians & The Common Denominator: The ‘Holy’ Qur’an! The Tie-Ins. The Unmasking.

Author: Adina Kutnicki

BACK in the day – precisely, sixteen years ago – yours truly started hunting down the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. To said end, it was understood that a solid grounding in the Qur’an…. القرآن الكريم, Islam’s ‘holy’ book, aka the ‘noble’ Qu’ran, was a mandatory precursor to the task at hand. Prerequisite. Course 101. After all, how intellectually (never mind otherwise) lazy can one be, claiming this and that expertise, still yet, remaining totally ignorant of the subject matter via its basic text(s)? Rhetorical. Simply put, it would be akin to asserting a requisite background in medicine, having never read/studied a single medical textbook! Sheesh.

WITH the above established as a core foundation and educational tool, the initial mission involved first-hand visits into the netherworld of Islam’s inner sanctums, which led straight into Muslim-owned bookstores, preferably, attached to mosques. Thus, stretches of Brooklyn’s Atlantic Avenue in New York, Astoria, Queens, and nearby environs within Paterson and Jersey City, New Jersey, etc. became like second-skin; Arab/Muslim enclaves whereby one can be forgiven for thinking they were somehow dropped on their head into the heart of the Middle East! And while walking these streets and heading into a restaurant or two is the touristy thing to do, suffice to say that it doesn’t cut it in this line of work. Mind you, it took every ounce of cajoling to convince Frank Kutnicki, z”l (of blessed memory) to part with, and entrust to this one and that one, his ‘delicate flower’ (his words, not mine!), Sunday after Sunday. But let’s not digress.

MOST advisedly, it is intrinsic not to stick out like a sore thumb, so to speak, whether in their neighborhoods in the States or in the belly of the Middle East. Resultant, it is more than prudent to tag-team with someone who is not only a trusted contact, but who ‘fits in.’ Thank heavens for select associates, some of whom (in the U.S. and Israel) ‘pass’ for Arab Muslims and are always more than eager to assist, even after years of collaborative efforts. Let’s just leave it at that. 

AS such, the initial educational foray (as mentioned, it wends back sixteen years ago) was acquired from a bookstore attached to a well-known Sunni (al-Qaeda/ISIS) mosque on Atlantic Avenue. It commenced with purchasing Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s Qu’ran – the most widely known and respected by Islamic scholars, as well as English translated text used in the Anglo-speaking world – and other goodies alike. Meanwhile, the forever nameless ‘fly on the wall’, duly fluent in Arabic, soaked it all in. Truly, as always, a hero in these eyes. More than a wing-man. And, know that what they say in Arabic to each other is NOT what they say in English to the clueless and feckless masses!

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MOVING right along, at first blush when reading the Qu’ran, one becomes immersed in a stranger than strange journey into convoluted Alice-in-Wonderland verses that hardly make any sense, let alone within any normative context. Okey dokey. But to be fair, that’s to be, more or less, expected. On the other hand, as one delves a little further into the text(s), the crazy factor starts to kick in. Big time. 

EVEN so, in order to get to the thrust – that which majorly impacts upon the common denominator of all things jihad – let’s cut to the chase. To do so, the following excerpts from “Was Muhammad Insane? It’s All About Muhammad” are where it’s at. The ‘Black Hearts.’ Don’t dare let anyone opine otherwise and attempt to sway you into a more positive-thinking ‘interpretative’ direction. Besides, who are you gonna believe and trust, this investigative journalist and counter-jihadist – who lives and breathes battling back Islamic jihad – or one or another apologist for Islam?? It’s your call.

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THE FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM OF ISLAM is the belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him. Muslims are indoctrinated into believing the Koran is God’s word, and so they act on the numerous incitements to violence that they find in it.

What they find in the Koran came from the mind of Muhammad, and for insight into the mental condition of this “prophet,” consider Chapter 33 of his Koran, entitled “The Confederates.” This is one of the chapters Muhammad composed in Yathrib (later called Medina) where he fled after his Meccan compatriots realized they needed to kill him to preserve their way of life.

The chapter is like a wild theme park ride that races in and out of numerous topics. In the 73 verses that make up the chapter, Muhammad covers the following in the God-voice he used for the Koran: He recaps a recent battle with the Meccans and excoriates people who were afraid to fight and die for him; he gloats about his extermination of the men and boys of one of the Jewish tribes of Yathrib, the confiscation of their property, and the enslavement of their women and children; he authorizes himself to take as many wives as he likes, permits himself to marry the wife of his adopted son, forbids himself from taking any more wives after he has taken as many as he likes, but allows himself sex slaves.

As the verses of this “revelation” continue, Muhammad imposes full body and face cover for women when outside the home, threatens people with humiliating punishment in the afterlife for annoying him, threatens to murder his critics, prohibits the practice of adoption, and dishes up images of sadistic torture in Hell awaiting people who don’t believe in him. He also praises himself as a “lamp spreading light,” and holds his behavior as a “beautiful pattern” for people to follow if they want to score well with Allah.

Among the verses is a celestial advisory that he must be obeyed:

“It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.” (Koran 33:36) [All of the Koran quotes in this article are taken from the Yusuf Ali translation.]


“O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Verse 59)

Three of the sequential verses (50-52) have to do with the wives that Muhammad allows himself, and in their blatantly self-serving way they are perhaps the most amusing lines of the Koran:

“O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Mecca) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her; this only for thee, and not for the Believers.” (Verse 50)

In the verse that follows, he allows himself to rotate among his wives however he pleases. In Verse 52, he tells himself it is not lawful for him to marry any more women after all the above have been married “even though their beauty attracts” him, nor to change them for other wives. However, he allows himself the option of taking slaves as wives.

The chapter is full of self-praise, selfies taken on a celestial selfie stick.

Verse 21: “Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.” Verses 45-46: “O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner. And as one who invites to Allah’s (grace) by His leave, and as a lamp spreading light.”

More self-praise can be found in Verse 56 wherein he advises believers to bless him and “salute him with all respect,” because that is what Allah and Allah’s angels do to him. This is followed by a suite of verses that rail against people who refuse to believe that God talks to him, salutes him, and blesses him. He threatens infidels that they will pay for their lack of belief in him in blazing hellfire. “Our Lord! Give them double Penalty and curse them with a very great Curse!” he says in Verse 68.

The Koran is full of such nonsense and oozes with Muhammad’s hatred for people who rejected him. But it is not necessary to read the entire book to realize it is the product on an extremely disturbed mind.

Islam is demented because it is all about Muhammad and his claim that God talked to him. His delusion of communion with the divine was likely brought about by epileptic fits caused by a malformed temporal lobe. He was a psychopath as well, a lethal combination that led him down the path of pathological evil.

Islam represents the institutionalized version of his neurological and psychological disorders.

All you have to do to understand the truth about the mind that created Islam and the ideology that is threatening the world is to read Chapter 33 of Muhammad’s Koran, which means “Recital.”

It is the recital of a madman.

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IN light of the above truth serum and sorely overdue disinfectant, is it any wonder that mandated jihad spans the globe wherever Islam, a cancerous scourge, is practiced? Inherently, its basis and essence will explain decades (centuries, to be exact!) of global jihad, not to mention the most recent: the execution of a Delaware State Trooper who was fatally gunned down outside of a convenience store by Muhammadans reciting quotes from the Qur’an; a foiled suicide bombing in Manhattan by a New Jersey convert to Islam, and an attack on a reporter in Rome on live tv, even in the midst of speaking about the so-called plight of Muslim ‘refugees’ from Africa and the Middle East! Ungrateful Islamic jihadists. Barbarians. 


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MOST significantly, each and every act of jihad can be traced back to the very same incitements enshrined within Islam’s ‘holy’ book. Incontestably.

ALAS, none of this should be ‘news’ to westerners, at least if one’s eyes and ears are open and immune to PC jive-talk and apologias ad infinitum, that is, whenever the ‘religion of peace’ comes into ear shot. 

OMINOUSLY, isn’t it way past time to take off the gloves and tell the truth, consequentially and concomitantly, countering the bloody and ravaging effects of the Qu’ran’s barbarism??

The viewpoint of ISIS echos throughout the Islamic world. Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s Islamic Fundamentalist Movement, which boasts hundreds of thousands of members, spoke openly and honestly about the religion of Islam.

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”


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