
Al Franken’s Overactive Liberal Bias Conjures Up Anti-Semitism In Last Trump Campaign Ad (VIDEO)


Cry me a river. Uber liberal, Al Franken, takes a shot in the dark and tries to pierce the Trump armor with a blank round. Franken takes progressive offense at Trump’s latest ad, just two days before the election, and tries to label him as anti-semitic.

Not even close and a very weak attempt to inflict damage on Trump and his campaign, but he tried, right?

The Washington Post was all to happy to promote the fallacy. And because Franken is Jewish, he feels he has a certain expertise to point out anti-Semitism when he creates it in his own mind.

Franken joined a chorus of people who have criticized the ad’s undertones since it was released on Friday.

The Anti-Defamation League, a nongovernmental organization that seeks to fight anti-Semitism, also seized on the ad, saying it conjured “painful stereotypes and baseless conspiracy theories.”

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Trump released the two-minute ad on Friday. It focuses heavily on what he calls the political and economic machine of the world, and the people he suggests operate it. “People that don’t have your good interest in mind,” the ad says.

Here’s the ad.

TRUMP: It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class stripped our country of it’s wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities. The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is you. 

Because the ad shows power players, some of whom happen to be Jews who have enormous power and control huge financial stakes in our country, Franken and the ADL are crying anti-Semitism.

“It’s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities,” the ad says as it shows an image of Blankfein speaking at a Clinton Foundation event.

Franken, who is Jewish, said on “State of the Union” that the ad speaks “to a certain part of [Trump’s] alt-right base.”

“When I saw the ad I thought that this was something of German Shepherd whistle, a dog whistle, to a certain group in the United States,” Franken told Jake Tapper. “I’m Jewish, so maybe I’m sensitive to it. It had an Elders of Zion feeling to it, an international banking conspiracy to it and then a number of Jews” are pictured.

It’s a far stretch, but when has that ever stopped the over active imaginations, and desperation of the left.


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Lisa Payne-Naeger

Former elected school board member, turned homeschool mom, turned CONSERVATIVE political activist. Trying to spread the word of truth, in "new" media and drag the culture back to common sense.

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