(Shawna Larson)
BEFORE we segue to the dark heart of a most heinous matter, let’s agree: The name of the town in Minnesota, that is, where the racist, hate crime took place, is S A V A G E! No sh*t, Sherlock. Ain’t that more than apropos and ironic, to boot!?
NOW that that is given an unvarnished airing, it is inarguable that ISLAM is the most violent, retrograde set of beliefs in the world, bar none.
INDEED, back in 2012, this writer/author/investigative journalist was called upon to assist in the review/commentary of the most groundbreaking, scholarly policy paper on ISLAM. In fact, it is linked within the below, too.
Click to access islam_and_blood.pdf
ONCE imbibed, every scintilla of a doubt that ISLAM is a “religion of peace” will evaporate akin to the smoke and mirror show that surrounds this taboo of all taboos.
AS HUSSEIN Obama opined, yes, with a legion of countless apologists, mostly, radical leftists following in hot pursuit –Â was exposed via the nexus between the red-green alliance/axis.
IN contrast, listen to the G-d’s honest truth from 1 (out of a growing compendium of courageous voices) clarion caller who lived to tell the horrific tales; suffered under the boot/sword of Islam.
BACK to the savage, beat-down in S A V A G E, Minnesota!
WND | By Bob Unruh | May 13, 2024
‘This would be all over national news’ if assailants were Christians
Police in the town of Savage, Minnesota, are now investigating an attack on a little girl at a local school by assailants, schoolchildren, who told officials they beat her up because “she wasn’t Muslim.”
Alpha News reports Minnesota mother Shawna Larson is demanding answers after her 9-year-old daughter was “jumped” on the school playground by a group of girls.
The school wouldn’t report the incident to police, so she did.
The report said the mother described the situation to Liz Collin Reports. (Watch the interview below:)
As you scroll down the page, view here
The ambush reportedly happened at the Hidden Valley Elementary in Savage, which is between Burnsville and Shakopee, on April 29.
The report explained Larson said her daughter’s third-grade teacher and the school principal “approached her in the school pickup line” and told her what happened.
“They came up to my vehicle and informed me that there was an incident at school that day. They wanted to make it very apparent that my daughter didn’t do anything to cause this, and they told me this was a calculated incident and that she had been attacked on the playground by four other students in her grade,” Larson told the report.
“I ended up learning … this was due to her race and her religion because she wasn’t Muslim. So that was pretty jarring to hear.”
It was the attackers themselves who told the teacher that was why they “decided to beat her up.”
The next day, her daughter’s bruises, including a black eye, appeared, “And we immediately took a picture of it. When she came home that day, I just kind of looked her over and she had bruises on her arms and a bruise on her back, bruises all over her legs,” Larson said in the report.
The district had not contacted police, so she did.
And, the report said, she detailed: “She told me she tried to get up and when she tried to get up and go for help the first time, and I believe it was the first time that they had gotten her on the ground, that she was trying to fight back and they had told her that if she hit them or she touched them, that they would hurt themselves and tell the teacher that she had hurt them. So, she just told me, ‘You know, so all I could do there is lay there, Mom.’ I was informed that on the camera footage it showed them going up to her and punching her in the face and her hitting back and then she runs off and they run after her and then that’s when all of them go out of camera view and that’s when the initial attack happens is what the principal told me.”
Larson continued, “This was just because of her race and her religion. So that was a big thing. Just the lack of action the school was taking, which I do understand to a point that the school has their own rules and their own laws that they have to follow. But the fact that because this was race and religion fueled, the fact that they were never suspended or expelled from school or redirected to distance learning instead of continuing to stay in the classroom, which two of them were in the same classroom as my daughter, is alarming, regardless of their age.”
The school issued a statement to Alpha News in which officials refused to share information.
Larson said her daughter has been switched classes for the rest of this school year.
Larson said the situation would have ended up differently had the attackers been Christians.
“This would be all over national news. You know, and it shouldn’t be that way. Our children shouldn’t even be in the media for stuff like this in the first place. The same outrage should be there for every child because no child should be attacked on a playground and made to feel unsafe at school because her attackers are still there.”
(Cross-Referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)