YouTube video suggests violence against Trump supporters, refers to site advocating murder of president

While taking a look at some of the offerings on YouTube, I happened to run across a very disturbing video that calls Trump supporters “traitors” and uses a snippet from a “Dirty Harry” movie to suggest violent acts against those who support the president.
Additionally, the video references a site that calls for Trump’s assassination in no uncertain terms.
Because of the graphic and profane language used in part of the video, we chose not to embed it here, but did grab a screen shot:

If you’re really interested in watching the short clip, you can go here.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
We reported the video to YouTube, but given the Orwellian nature of Silicon Valley, we somehow doubt it’ll be taken down.
The site referenced in the video is just as bad. Here’s just one screenshot, which we grabbed here:

Another page on the site suggests the president commit suicide:
Just think of it!
You’d be a martyr for the ages! Your evangelical base wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to elevate you above Jesus, whom they have already all but dismissed as irrelevant.
Who knows? Two thousand years from now people might be wearing golden effigies of your golden hair around their necks as amulets and signs of their eternal devotion.
The exclamation “DONALD TRUMP!” could be uttered long after “JESUS CHRIST!” has faded into obscurity.
Like the fabled warrior philosophers to whom you compare yourself, you can demonstrate your superiority to those lesser men and women who vex you at every opportunity.
And the method you select could further punctuate your message!
Want to demonstrate your support of gun rights? You don’t need any lame assault weapon! Take a lesson from the immortal Earnest Hemmingway: use a good old shotgun.
Sick and tired of those ‘small hand’ innuendos? Show your detractors that they’re big enough to apply a razor blade to each wrist.
And how about all those lurid sexual rumors that have plagued not only your presidency, but your entire life? You might dispel any future question of your sexual preoccupation with one swift, and probably very undersized slice to that much maligned area of your anatomy.
Of course, the ever-popular noose is a possibility, and imagine what an indelible image would be presented by your (nude?) body, dangling from the center of the oval office, but I would worry that your mere (certified) 239 pound weight might not be sufficient to do the job in a clean and efficient manner.
Think about it! You’re seventy five years old. If, as your doctors assert, you are the absolute epitome of physical health, you might survive another ten or fifteen years, make this tiny sacrifice and heroes will sing your praises for as long as Valhalla stands.
The “letter” is signed “James T. Hodgkinson,” the unhinged Bernie Sanders supporter who shot Rep. Steve Scalise in an attempt to gun down as many Republicans as possible.
This, by the way, is modern liberalism, and as we’ve noted here many times, has been found to be an ideology of insane bloodthirsty rage and hate. It’s also part of the environment created by radicals like Maxine Waters, the California Democrat obsessed with impeachment and conspiracy theories involving Russia.
By the way, it’s a violation of federal law to issue threats against the president and can get one tossed in jail for five years.
Exit question: Will the Secret Service take notice? Will YouTube do the responsible thing?
- GoFundMe pages advocate murdering Donald Trump
- Actor Michael Shannon: Time for Trump voters to die
- Teen tyrant David Hogg threatens Pres. Trump: Never threaten U.S. again or suffer consequences
- Do liberals really want a second bloody civil war over Donald Trump?
- Thanks, Maxine Waters: Man arrested for assaulting Secret Service officer at White House; Screams, ‘Where is the president?’
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