
WTF? Letitia James Sues World’s Biggest Beef Producer Over Methane Emissions

She needs to keep her corrupt, disgusting hands off my steak. Save the Beef!

You want a real civil war? Here’s a way to get it: New York AG Letitia James has sued JBS USA, the world’s largest beef producer because of the methane emissions of cattle. In other words, she isn’t just targeting former President Trump, she’s after those of the rest of us who love our beef. For some, it’s a lifeblood issue – beef is one of the few meats with a strong source of iron. I need iron, I don’t need Letitia James.

In an announcement, James noted that beef production has the largest greenhouse gas footprint of any major food commodity and that animal agriculture accounts for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. According to James, JBS USA’s various net-zero pledges for 2030 and 2040 are therefore misleading and “not feasible” given the scope of its worldwide beef production operations.

“As families continue to face the daily impacts of the climate crisis, they are willing to spend more of their hard-earned money on products from brands that are better for the environment,” James said in a statement. “When companies falsely advertise their commitment to sustainability, they are misleading consumers and endangering our planet.”

“JBS USA’s greenwashing exploits the pocketbooks of everyday Americans and the promise of a healthy planet for future generations,” she added. “My office will always ensure that companies do not abuse the environment and the trust of hardworking consumers for profit.” Fox news

Families are not “facing the impacts of the climate crisis.” We are facing the stupidity of Democrats who lie and manipulate the populace of the United States. Letitia James is one of the morons that are driving such manipulation. There is no climate “crisis”. There is a crisis at the border, driven by large numbers of NGOs and their misguided attempts to “help” people. But the climate is not about to collapse. It is cyclical and goes in different patterns for different ages.

If James wants to eat crickets, she is welcome to do so. I, for one will NOT. And I will happily defend my right to eat beef and I don’t give a rat’s rear end about the climate change cult. Put me in jail, call me names, whatever floats your boat, but this whole climate bs has finally crossed the line. Keep your grubby, corrupt hands off my steak!



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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