With a straight face, Princess Lying Dog tells reporter that lying to American people should disqualify candidate from White House
Princess Lying Dog is back on the warpath, I mean campaign trail, and is actually lying about lying.
Asked by reporter Zak Hudak if it should be disqualifying for a presidential candidate to lie to the American people about anything, America’s most famous fake Indian replied with a straight paleface, “How could the American people want someone who lies to them?”
Apparently, the irony and hypocrisy of Fauxcahontas’ question sailed right over her own head or maybe she is just a better liar than any of us imagined.
I am hoping that Liz Warren wins the Democrat nomination for one reason. I look forward to her debating President Trump, who I recommend wears an Indian headdress. He doesn’t have to say anything, just wear the headdress for the entire debate. The audience will be rolling in the aisles and will not hear a word Princess Lying Dog has to say.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
“How could the American people want someone who lies to them?” @ewarren says after I asked if it’s disqualifying for a presidential candidate to lie to the American people about anything pic.twitter.com/b4AxH5Bq1m
— Zak Hudak (@cbszak) January 19, 2020
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) January 20, 2020
— Thomas Madison…. I follow back! (@tmadison200) January 20, 2020
— IronJawedAngel (@AngelJawed) January 20, 2020
Cross-posted with Powdered Wig Society
- Video of the Day: Protester confronts Elizabeth Warren, asks, ‘why are you siding with terrorists?’
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